Recent content by Molly77

  1. M

    Does cecal poop have some kind of territorial significance?

    Thank you for this response! My 10'x20' run is completely enclosed (incl the top) by chicken wire/cattle panel, the bottom 2' has hardware cloth apron going underground a foot and out a couple of feet, but the gate to the run has about 1.5" space to squeeze through all around it that I have no...
  2. M

    Does cecal poop have some kind of territorial significance?

    I have 7 5-week-old buff orpingtons currently residing in my home office/now chick brooder. They are huge, feathered, and bored and need to go live outside, but my coop and run aren't as locked down as they need to be, and I have to wait for help to do a couple of final security things. I am...
  3. M

    Is this a Buff Orpington?

    OK thank you so much! It looks so different from the other ones. They all look like this:
  4. M

    Is this a Buff Orpington?

    Hi, first time chicken owner here. I got 9 chicks from McMurray Hatchery on April 13, all died from the lengthy transit horror show but one. I added 6 more Buffs from Agway the following week. The Agway chicks all look very much the same, but the McMurray chick looks super different. What kind...
  5. M

    Do these chicks look OK?

    First time chicken owner here. As I posted a couple of weeks ago, I got a bunch of dead Buff Orpington chicks in the mail from McMurray Hatchery, and managed to save just one. I added 6 more buffs from the Agway that were a week younger. Even so, they were the same size as Admiral Byrd, the...
  6. M

    McMurray Hatchery- Our Experience :(

    After this experience I totally agree with you. Maybe shipping a bunch together (25+) would be OK, but for a small number it seems like animal abuse. The box they arrived in was beat to hell, I don't even want to think about what this was like for them. I have one lone survivor from the shipment...
  7. M

    Weird wing growth on Orpington chick?

    I have a 2-week-old chick that is the lone survivor of a mass death event from being in transit for too long. Now it's with a 6 chick flock of 1-week-old chicks from Agway. All are buff orps. 2 week survivor chick is the same size as week old chicks (I attribute this to its spending a week just...
  8. M

    Last living chick doing great, new chicks coming today. Quarantine?

    I set up a second brooder and moved some chicks so I could limit the number of chicks with her and lessen the stress. She's still hanging in there, improving I think. She's gotten better enough that she's now in the larger brooder with everyone for the day today. She goes back to her old brooder...
  9. M

    Last living chick doing great, new chicks coming today. Quarantine?

    OK, will do. Thank you for this info!
  10. M

    1-2 week old chick lethargic, walking backwards, wings drooping

    Just to add to the knowledge base on this thread for people looking for answers like I was. I got chicks through the mail from a hatchery and they were too long in transit and all died but one. Someone suggested putting electrolytes, tiny bit of molasses and tiny bit of plain yogurt in her water...
  11. M

    Last living chick doing great, new chicks coming today. Quarantine?

    Hello! So I posted here last week about 8 of 9 dead chicks from McMurray Hatchery, I've managed to save the last chick and she is now 1 week and 1 day old. She is thriving and very much a pet now, as I have spent a huge amount of time with her and she likes to sleep on my shoulder in my hair and...
  12. M

    McMurray Hatchery- Our Experience :(

    I just received 1 dead/8 dying chicks from McMurray Hatchery. Took them 69 hours in transit. They sat in MN for a whole day, and NJ for a whole day. McMurray doesn't use USPS priority express, my local post office guy was very shocked by that. I would have paid for the fastest shipping available...
  13. M

    Starting chickens, with a disaster

    Thank you and very nice to meet you!
  14. M

    Starting chickens, with a disaster

    Hi, I'm Molly, totally new to chicken husbandry. Here's my tldr; intro to this forum: I have some acreage in New York and am making a closed loop growing system on my land. Chickens seem like the best way to get hot compostable manure on site, so I ordered 8 buff orps from McMurray back in Nov...
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