Recent content by mothergoose

  1. mothergoose


    Our turkens do great in our cold northern Illinois winters. They seem to handle it better than some of our other birds that have all their feathers.
  2. mothergoose


    Thank you for the compliment. We have had turkens for years. We have hatched from a few breeders over the years. There were a few people on here many years ago that raised turkens that I bought eggs from. Over half of our turkens carry 2 copies of the NN gene so they are fully naked neck. We do...
  3. mothergoose


    We have our turkens for eggs and meat. They are super sweet, my turkens are the only hens that don't peck me when I reach under them for eggs. Nice large brown eggs. Very calm birds, I just love them. They are a nice size to butcher as well.Not to mention a few less feathers to pick! And there...
  4. mothergoose


    Just wanted to update, my girls are finally laying good again. I have eggs set, so as soon as fertility is confirmed I can ship eggs. Should be within the next week or so. That way we can get this thread moving again!
  5. mothergoose


    I love my turkens, here are a few of them. Excellent layers, super sweet, & unique!
  6. mothergoose

    SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

    Made Lasagna the other night. The family was happy!
  7. mothergoose

    Naked neck eggs

    PM sent
  8. mothergoose

    These are some of our eggs, would love to see yours too!

    Love your tiny egg. I can pickled eggs with our bantam eggs, my hubby loves them!
  9. mothergoose

    These are some of our eggs, would love to see yours too!

    We have several different breeds of chickens but right now only our BCM are laying. Here is a photo of some eggs we just gathered. Picture is taken outside in natural light. I look forward to seeing everyone's eggs. Eggs are one of my favorite things, I love the variety of colors they come in too!
  10. mothergoose

    Post Pictures of Your Chickens!!

    Thank you. They are pretty cute!
  11. mothergoose

    Post Pictures of Your Chickens!!

    Just took some photos today. Turkens are my favorite breed. This is one of my hens, she is a beauty! A couple more hens and my rooster in the middle..
  12. mothergoose

    turkins chickens

    When I want to take photos, my birds just don't want to cooperate. Here are some of my turkens. I am partial to the fully naked necks.
  13. mothergoose

    SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

    Everybody needs a little chocolate on Valentine's day...Chocolate turtle cheesecake!
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