Recent content by nouveauchick

  1. nouveauchick

    What kind of birds are these?

    Great! Thanks so much! So now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with them :-) They are very docile and sweet. I'm going to build them a little run to live in!
  2. nouveauchick

    What kind of birds are these?

    I thought maybe they could be baby guinea fowl? If they are quail, how old are they? I just searched for quail on these boards and discovered a war zone when it comes to keeping them with chickens. I have no idea what to do with quail. I'm guessing they won't stay in my yard if I let them out of...
  3. nouveauchick

    What kind of birds are these?

    Hi there! My friend got me these two birds for my birthday. He knows I have chickens and he thought I would like them. He has no idea what they are just that they will fly away and they lay eggs (which really narrows it down in the bird world) :-) Anyone know what they are? Thanks so much!
  4. nouveauchick

    Coughing chicken

    My sick girl has been in quarantine for days. I have put the VetRx in her water and rubbed some on her chest and under her wings every day. I've kept her in the bathroom with the space heater on, with the exception of some outside play time when it was dry and warm enough. I haven't hear any...
  5. nouveauchick


    Thank you all for your input! I don't personally know anyone that has chickens so these boards prove invaluable to me when I have questions! So we decided to dig out a moat around the run and fill it with cement. (We found several burrow holes). When we built the run we buried the hardware...
  6. nouveauchick

    Coughing chicken

    Thank you both for your replies! I will bring her in and keep her warm. I only have a small animal carrier for her, so can I let her out in the garden during the day so she isn't so confined? She has no mucous or drainage, I'm not sure about bad breath I didn't smell it . I will keep you...
  7. nouveauchick

    Coughing chicken

    Ok, so my feed store had tetracycline. But the guy told me to try Vet Rx first. So I have separated the sick hen, put the vet Rx in her water. I put a few drops in the water of the other hens and a few drops in their bedding (that's what the instructions told me to do). It also says I can...
  8. nouveauchick

    Coughing chicken

    Thanks! I will try that!
  9. nouveauchick


    Thank you so much for your advice! I will definitely plant some mint, that seems like a win win. If I do choose to go the poison route (that multiplication table scared the crap out of me), won't they all just die underneath the chicken run? there could be the potential for a dozen dead rats...
  10. nouveauchick

    Coughing chicken

    I heard one of my hens coughing yesterday and she sounds a little rattley. Based on what I read on the boards she most likely has a respiratory infection. One of the posters in the past suggested Tylan. So I have been searching for it and all the ones I have found say to use it for cows and...
  11. nouveauchick

    I caught my fox! UPDATED.. now with the VIDEO!

    He's beautiful!! How far to you have to travel to release him?
  12. nouveauchick


    I recently discovered a rat's nest with her babies in my chicken run. She had built her nest underneath the water warmer which had not been moved all winter. Since removing the warmer, it looks as though she has filled in her nest with dirt (at least the top hole). Before finding the nest I...
  13. nouveauchick

    Dying Flock

    Thank you for all your help and recommendations. I didn't really notice any weird behavior, but I am watching this one very closely. They were 14 months old (roughly). They haven't really been laying eggs but I assumed that it was because of the winter and the shorter amounts of daylight (I was...
  14. nouveauchick

    Dying Flock

    I don't know what happened to them. :-( One died about a 3 weeks ago, and we lost one yesterday. They seemed fine until they died. Our last hen also seems fine, although maybe a bit bored without her friends. The weather hasn't been too terribly cold and I have a ceramic warming plate...
  15. nouveauchick

    Dying Flock

    I have lost 2 hens this month. I only have one left. She appears to be fine. She was the biggest one and seems quite strong. There is no appearance of mites of any kind. Is there something I should do to protect my last girl? This is my first time with chickens and I am unfamiliar with...
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