Recent content by ownhens

  1. O

    The one-legged chick

    I am glad Uno is better
  2. O

    The one-legged chick

    I would definitely separate the chick from the rest. Chickens can be cruel and keep hurting the little one.
  3. O

    Help understanding 🙏

    Hey guys I posted yesterday but didn't get any response. My 10 months old Ameraucana hen is laying an egg one day the shell os super hard with small pieces of something white and other days shell is soft. The eggwhite part is very watery no smell but the yolk is normal. Any ideas ? Thank you
  4. O

    Eggshell issues and eggwhite is water consistency

    Hey everyone So my Ameraucana she is about 10 months old and is been laying either a very hard shell egg one day and a supper soft shell the next. Also, the eggwhite is literally water no smell and the yolk is good. She doesn't seem to be sick , her poop is normal. She eats layer feed, corn and...
  5. O

    Please help!!!!

    Hey guys I wanted to give you an update. The egg found yesterday wasn't hers. I gave her the Epson Salt bath and gave her some calcium. Today she tried laying and she actually did after 3 hours. It seems to be her first egg because it was blue very hard shell normal size. The one I found...
  6. O

    Please help!!!!

    Got it thank you 😊 🙏
  7. O

    Please help!!!!

    Ok I am in my way to Walgreens. Should I give her an entire tablet and how many times per day? Thank you
  8. O

    Please help!!!!

    The Walmart is 2 hours away I can get it tomorrow. I gave ger half of a Tum
  9. O

    Please help!!!!

    I don't feel anything between legs or vent. It was a small egg her first egg
  10. O

    Please help!!!!

    Is there anything I should do? Her wings are now dropping.
  11. O

    Please help!!!!

    Greetings, everyone. Today, it appears that my hen has laid her first egg. I noticed her persistent attempts to access the nesting box amidst resistance from the other hens. However, upon inspecting the coop later, I found a small egg in one of the boxes and observed that the hen is now...
  12. O

    Please help !!! Warning poop pictures

    Yes they were eating that plant and yes sometimes I see changing the color we have lots of the plant will post others as well. How can I know which plants are toxic to them?
  13. O

    Please help !!! Warning poop pictures

    Here is a picture of water and feeder. The feed seems fine and I keep it under A/C together with my goat's feed. One thing I can say is that there are lots of rats at night inside the coop. I will post pictures of some of the plants.
  14. O

    Hen Not Acting Well (Poop Picture)

    Oh WOW that's sad sorry you lost her. 🙏
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