Recent content by quailheart

  1. quailheart

    What Color Are My Coturnix Quail?

    If anyone has any idea what color these guys are please let me know! I’m planning on hatching my own eggs this year so I’m trying to figure out these guys’ genetics. All three are roosters by the way! Kim: Butch: I have another similar looking rooster who I did not get photos of who is all...
  2. quailheart

    Golden Manchurian vs Italian

    Can anyone tell me what colors these are? The first three are females and last one is a male. The first three look reasonably similar however they all have slight differences. 3’s body is darker overall, 1’s head is more black compared to 2 and 3’s lighter brown heads, also 1 has a big white...
  3. quailheart

    Cinnamon Coturnix Breeding

    Yea I get it, they’re not easy to find either! My cinnamon hen is from my 2021 hatch so she’s getting pretty old! I’m really hoping to hatch some cinnamon carriers this year or I’m afraid I’ll be done with cinnamons for a while too.
  4. quailheart

    Bobwhite cohabitation

    Snowflakes are the same species as bobwhites so I wouldn’t imagine there would be any difficulties with keeping them together beyond your regular aggressive males and territory issues. I would always be careful adding in more quail, no matter the color, to a group that’s been together a while...
  5. quailheart

    Cinnamon Coturnix Breeding

    Cinnamon coturnix are born with red eyes but they darken with age! If you look at SW Gamebirds pictures of their cinnamon quail they all have dark eyes too. Here’s a link to their info on Cinnamon Quail. Also I’m aware she doesn’t look exactly like the ones in their photos however they did...
  6. quailheart

    Cinnamon Coturnix Breeding

    Hey everyone! This is one of my Coturnix hens from Southwest Gamebirds who I believe is a Cinnamon. She is the only quail I have of this color and I would love to try to hatch out more like her. Is that even possible with her genetics and her being the only Cinnamon quail I have? On Southwest...
  7. quailheart

    Are Coturnix quail easy to acquire?

    Thanks for letting me know! We’ve gotten our eggs from them the past several years and I was always so happy with the results so this is kind of disappointing news. I’ll be sure to check out Thieving Otter though!
  8. quailheart

    Bobwhite & Coturnix together

    I’ve tried keeping the two together a few times and it’s only ever been successful with female bobwhites. Last year we ended up with one male and one female bobwhite hatching with the Coturnix batch and they were all perfectly fine together until they reached maturity. The male bobwhite became...
  9. quailheart

    Are Coturnix quail easy to acquire?

    Southwest Gamebirds is the hatchery where I get my Coturnix hatching eggs. I’ve had a lot of luck with their Hatchery’s Choice variety! They’re located in Arizona but they ship all over the place.
  10. quailheart

    How Can I Start Making Profit From Quail?

    I’ve never heard of a poultry swap, but I looked it up and sure enough there were some nearby. I’ll definitely have to check it out, thanks for the idea!
  11. quailheart

    HELP! Rabbit Won’t Eat or Drink!

    It’s been a few months, but it feels like even longer since my bunny was sick! He’s doing great now though and hasn’t had any issues since if anyone was curious how he is now.
  12. quailheart

    How Can I Start Making Profit From Quail?

    Hello! I’ve been raising Coturnix and Bobwhite quail for several years now and have recently been wondering how I can make it more sustainable, or even profitable. Ive thought about selling at a local farmers market but I figured I would be spending a lot of time at a stand that I payed a lot of...
  13. quailheart

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  14. quailheart


  15. quailheart

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!
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