Recent content by Rhode

  1. Rhode

    Will my Ameraucanas ever lay?

    My blue Ameraucana is 24 weeks and just started laying…brown eggs 😪 $23 from Meyer, meets all the other breed standards. Guess she’s not like real butter, more like margarine! Amerikan-I-lay you a brown egg?
  2. Rhode

    Is anyone working on a blue egg laying silkies project?

    MyPetChicken sells “Silked White Easter Eggers” that are supposed to lay blue eggs. Not seeing any current availability but who knows when that might change. The reviews seem positive. Could get a flock to start & breed selectively from that!
  3. Rhode

    Shipping just the minimum 3 baby chicks - packaging/shipping worries

    In our town, we have a local USPS distribution center they’re all held at - they don’t go beyond that to the smaller post offices (like the one closest to me). When they arrive there, I’ll get an immediate phone call to come pick them up from to the truck delivery bay area in back. Last time I...
  4. Rhode

    Frostbite/Frozen Foot

    Please do not pop it, opening it may increase risk of infection. I found a thread with detailed info from @Allsfairinloveandbugs about a different chicken with frostbite blisters on feet. She recommended: -keeping chicken in warm, dry, clean place -baby aspirin: given once daily...
  5. Rhode

    Shipping just the minimum 3 baby chicks - packaging/shipping worries

    This is how my order of 4 chicks from Meyer’s was shipped in September. They were all happy campers, chirping away. The little heat pack envelope lasted for their ~48hr travels, plus they have each other in an enclosed space.
  6. Rhode

    15 month old Delaware rooster has lost is tongue. How? What? Trouble breathing. Emergency

    I recall a post from June where a member updated an old thread about how a vet fixed their chicken’s missing tongue (it had emerged through the neck, from underneath the entire beak!) Probably unrelated, since you don’t see any evidence of a tongue at all, but thought I’d share in case it proved...
  7. Rhode

    Green Queen: Hybrid breed best guesses

    😢 She died (wry neck) <1 week old. I tried looking up other breeds at chick-age from MPC website, though, possible similarities to light brown leghorn, partridge olive egger, and/or Welsummer. It’ll always be a mystery!
  8. Rhode

    Possible sick hen with green/yellow poop

    Aw, just look at her! How can anyone not love chickens.
  9. Rhode

    Chicks for next year!

    Meyer’s has a section of Meyer Hatchery Exclusives. I always think it’s fun to try and add a few unique breeds based on hatchery. I ordered Meyer’s Blue Polish & Wheaten Olive Egger this fall and both pullets are so friendly. Have you considered any other coloring of Orpington than buff? My...
  10. Rhode

    One lone hen?? :'( Our flock is down to a solo gal, what to do next??

    We had a ~4-month old pullet, non-laying, end up by her lonesome after her flockmates fell prey to a predator. We got 3 baby chicks for her and in some ways, she reverted to acting like a younger chick herself (chirps included!). She never pecked on her young new friends. We did supervised...
  11. Rhode

    Green Queen: Hybrid breed best guesses

    Received new baby chicks today 😍 ambitiously attempting to guess how this lil’ Green Queen (hybrid from Meyer) will grow up! Feet are feathered. Her little stripe is interesting. 4 toes. What’s everyone’s guesses on how she’ll feather out?
  12. Rhode

    How do you get your birds to be so friendly?

    -lots of handling as young chicks **I’ve always found chicks raised by a broody to be notably less friendly with me; my little hatchery ones, on the other hand, are great! I hold mine from the moment I get them & have never had an issue. -offer feed out of your hand **Association: Hands...
  13. Rhode

    Swollen and Black Chicken Knee, please help!

    With the crater-like appearance surrounded by abnormally shaped skin, my first thought was squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer). Is anything oozing or able to be expressed from the site? Have you cleaned it with anything? 3 threads with pictures/examples of SCC, including what owners did to...
  14. Rhode

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Today, I removed piles of marigold stalks that had been planted from seed as an attempt to deter our neighborhood groundhog. This, too, after my outer mint boundary was also one of her preferred snacks!
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