Recent content by ruprolife

  1. ruprolife

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    Oh no!! So sorry! I was so thrilled to hear she laid an egg!! Praying for all you! I know people make fun of us but it is painful to lose a chicken!
  2. ruprolife

    I saw you euthanize your chickens. Can you tell me about how much it is costing you to do that...

    I saw you euthanize your chickens. Can you tell me about how much it is costing you to do that? My vets up here in SD are telling me it will cost $80+ to euthanize a chicken because of the chemicals they have to use then the bodies have to be buried so far down in case the chemical would leach...
  3. ruprolife

    Hen with knuckled under foot

    No she doesn't lay eggs anymore. I will try that thank you!
  4. ruprolife

    Hen with knuckled under foot

    One of my hens, she is an Araucana or Ameraucanan aka Easter Egger, is about 5 years old. 2 1/2 weeks ago she was not looking right. Sitting all puffy and not moving much. I brought her into the house and noticed she had really loose stools. I wormed her. Stools are back to normal. About 3...
  5. ruprolife

    Sick Chicken Help Needed

    I'm just reading this thread now. So sorry about your chicken. (((HUGS)))
  6. ruprolife

    Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

    This is such an unbelievable process! I feel like a rooster wanting to crow but I have done nothing but buy an incubator & watch & worry. So far 8 babies seemingly healthy with 2 more pipped. Wow! Today is at least day 28 because I have no idea how long the hen was sitting on the eggs before...
  7. ruprolife

    Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

    Three beautiful baby chicks have hatched this morning! Unbelievable! Even if that is all that hatch it's a miracle considering that they have been through. I will keep you posted. Again many thanks! Because of all the information on this website & forums I know what to do!
  8. ruprolife

    Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

    I am hearing cheeps!!!!! I cannot believe it! It is a glorious sound! No movement but cheeps! Thank you again!
  9. ruprolife

    Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

    Nope! Not discouraging at all. I really appreciate the help! I didn't think any were alive considering the rough start they had. I need to settle down. I've got it in my head they are going to die shrink wrapped in their shells.
  10. ruprolife

    Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

    If they have pipped through the air cell don't they run out of air in 24 hours? I have one that has gone through the air cell. I'm worried because there is no chirps or egg movement.
  11. ruprolife

    Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

    Desperately need help! I have read almost every thread and article there is and I'm sure I'm going to be told I need to wait. Found hen on eggs on Sunday 11/6. Not my hen, belongs to a friend. She sat on them outside in long grass in temps from 60's all the way down to the 20's until 11/21...
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