Recent content by SaturnFowl

  1. SaturnFowl

    New living arrangements to consider?

    The inside coop is a separate area that has a door that fully closes, the hens roam around the area but not them nor the rats can get in. It only drops to 40 at a certain point of the night, but that fact still makes me hesitant to put them in there without heat. Also, I forgot to mention heat...
  2. SaturnFowl

    New living arrangements to consider?

    Hello! I’ve currently got four chicks here, around 4 weeks old, and I was wondering where they should sleep at night now that they’re bigger and close to being fully feathered. (I also have adult hens but they haven’t warmed up the chicks just yet, and they’re not motherly.) During the day, I...
  3. SaturnFowl

    Help with sexing my new chick flock?

    I would be a little surprised if the Buff Orpington turned out to be a cockerel though, its personality is not very rooster-like, but you could be right.
  4. SaturnFowl

    Help with sexing my new chick flock?

    Hello! I have these new straight run chicks, about three and a half weeks, and I can’t tell what they are, and was looking for some help. Almost certain the silver lace Wyandotte is a roo, based on the fact it’s got the most attitude and sometimes pecks me when I go to pick it up. The rest...
  5. SaturnFowl

    Help with sexing frizzle

    They are around 12 weeks old
  6. SaturnFowl

    Help with sexing frizzle

    Mochi (the one in the pic) started to make noises that sounded almost like crowing today. I’m growing worried because we can’t have roosters where we live. I looked at a feather growth chart and was sure she was female. But she seems to be the boss of the flock, and very confident with her chest...
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