Recent content by Starrponies

  1. Starrponies


    Awe poor baby. I'm still pretty new but as far as I know you have done everything right to help her! Your a good birdy mamma.
  2. Starrponies

    My quail hutch

    I'll try and get a picture tonight if I get home before dark but in the morning for sure!
  3. Starrponies

    Coturnix quail and dangerous colors to breed

    These colors can look so different in each picture I look at. So confusing 🤣 🤔
  4. Starrponies

    My quail hutch

    Now you just have to get auto water hooked up. Boy that was a life changer for me!
  5. Starrponies

    My quail hutch

    Awesome cage! Love the roof. Looks snow ready. 👍🏼
  6. Starrponies

    Coturnix quail and dangerous colors to breed

    I'm my recent batch of purchased eggs I got such color variety. Reading into what color they all are I seen some colors are not supposed to be bred together. I'm so confused on the matter.... I'm not breeding for color just healthy birds. Maybe when I learn more I'll go for color, but for now I...
  7. Starrponies

    EE, Lavender Orpington gender help!

    The both look like pullets to me! Such cuties
  8. Starrponies

    Horsehair baskets

    Wow! You are so talented! And make them so fast! I really love the bird one 😍
  9. Starrponies

    Baby gossling with yolk sack

    Just wait and see! I hate hatching sometimes 🤦🏼‍♀️🐣😝
  10. Starrponies

    Advice for moving ducklings out of the house

    As long as they still have a heat source that still gets warm enough under it. they will be ok. I've had to do it with chickens before
  11. Starrponies

    Posting again now that they’re a bit older!

    If I'm remembering right I remember your hen! She is so cute! I'm happy she is doing better! There is one chick that looks Cockerel to me, maybe 2.
  12. Starrponies

    5wks gut tells me roo

    That is a pullet. She is so cute. Had one just like her.
  13. Starrponies

    Duck with sores all over her bill

    They are all gorgeous! I would have ducks if I didn't live in such a dry area. I didn't think I could pick a fav out of yours. They all too pretty
  14. Starrponies

    Should I help the chick?

    I've only got quail experience. But this is what happened on my last batch.
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