Recent content by swamphiker

  1. swamphiker

    I am suspicious this light Brahma is a rooster a lot bigger then my other light Brahma

    She looks like a pullet to me, brahmas are larger than most other breeds.
  2. swamphiker

    Dish soap to help treat mites?

    I've had ivermectin work well for both feather mites and scaly leg mites.
  3. swamphiker

    Decline in Egg Production

    Hot weather could definitely explain decreased production. It's been 90+ nearly every day for the last week or two where I am and egg production is down.
  4. swamphiker

    New here

    Welcome to BYC, we're glad to have you here!
  5. swamphiker

    Hen or roo!?

    Cockerel P.S. Welcome to BYC!
  6. swamphiker

    Hens or roos

    All pullets! Congrats
  7. swamphiker

    How do you thin the herd?

    It's definitely a tough decision! In my experience, skittish pullets grow up to be skittish hens. Picking the friendlier pullets is one way to do it. I also sometimes make decisions based on their various endearing quirks. When I raise chicks I usually share with a few chicken-keeping friends...
  8. swamphiker

    Hen's middle toe splayed out - but not limping? Scaly leg mites?

    I'm not an expert, but that looks like scaly leg mites to me. I believe scaly leg mites can lead to issues with joints, so perhaps that is what is causing her strange toe. If it were my chicken, I would treat for scaly leg mites and see if symptoms improve.
  9. swamphiker

    Funny situation

    If things have gone okay for the day and your coop has space for more, it shouldn't be a problem to have her in the coop at night. If you can, it might be good to keep an ear out for bad fighting as they settle into their roosts for the night, but some jostling over the "best" roost is normal.
  10. swamphiker

    New member

    Welcome to BYC! This is the perfect place to get any help you might need and also just share with fellow flock keepers. We're glad to have you here.
  11. swamphiker

    Chick sexing

    the two on the right are cockerels, the two on the left appear to be pullets, but it will become clearer in the coming weeks
  12. swamphiker

    Hen with eye rupture advice needed

    It's possible the eye is badly swollen and not ruptured, a friend had a hen whose eye was pecked badly by a flockmate; we thought the eye was gone but it was just badly swollen. Even if she does lose an eye, she can still be okay without it as long as you can keep infection at bay @Eggcessive...
  13. swamphiker

    Back of chickens head torn open

    I would use chlorhexidine
  14. swamphiker

    Back of chickens head torn open

    Here are some additional resources:
  15. swamphiker

    Back of chickens head torn open

    I had a chicken survive a head wound that was deep enough that I could see her skull, it's possible for her to make it. I'm wishing her a swift recovery.
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