Recent content by Tumbleweedlynn

  1. Tumbleweedlynn

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 1st, 2024

    Manamana- The Muppets 😊
  2. Tumbleweedlynn

    I get by with a little help from my friends ❤️

    The owners actually gave them to me, they just said they were bantam, but not sure what kind. Surely not the tiny one I was expecting 🐣🥴
  3. Tumbleweedlynn

    I get by with a little help from my friends ❤️

    Thank you 😊 I should have added I knew the darker one is a roo and the lighter one a hen. I need to research more - is American Game Fowl pretty broad - does is include bantam? Thanks again!
  4. Tumbleweedlynn

    I get by with a little help from my friends ❤️

    Hi All :frow Can you please help with with the breed of these two? I rescued them, and was told there were bantams (which I have never had). My husband says they are too big for a bantam. Any guesses would be appreciated. They can fly 🦅 Thanks much!
  5. Tumbleweedlynn

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Guess How Many Eggs Hatched!

    Hi all :frow 1747 please and thank you 😊
  6. Tumbleweedlynn

    Thank you so much! He is my pride and joy, and Mr. January 2025 for the calendar 😂

    Thank you so much! He is my pride and joy, and Mr. January 2025 for the calendar 😂
  7. Tumbleweedlynn

    March 2024 “Asking For a Friend” Hatch-A-Long 🤫🐣

    Hi All :frow So, my “friends” hatch a long has come to an end. I ended up having to pull from: Incubator 1 - #’s 3 (orphan), #10 @Debbie292d, 16 @thewelshchicken and 18 @CloneFly Incubator 2 - #6 @thewelshchicken Thank you to all who played - I will send a good picture of everyone before...
  8. Tumbleweedlynn

    March 2024 “Asking For a Friend” Hatch-A-Long 🤫🐣

    Well, thank you so much! My daughter is such a trooper, and Olivia and sissy are at home safe and happy❤️ The chicks sure are cute, they are huge! Ms. Splay keeps getting out of my contraptions 🥴
  9. Tumbleweedlynn

    Early Irish hatching eggs chose and you may win a prize!

    You HAVE seen that crazy blonde, right? :lau
  10. Tumbleweedlynn

    March 2024 “Asking For a Friend” Hatch-A-Long 🤫🐣

    They are still hatching - I had thrown some in a day late, if I remember correctly.
  11. Tumbleweedlynn

    Week old olive egger chick tiny and not gaining weight?

    So sorry for your issue :( What does her butt look like? Any poop gathering?
  12. Tumbleweedlynn

    March 2024 “Asking For a Friend” Hatch-A-Long 🤫🐣

    I’ve got two issues: one splay (haven’t dealt that much with this), and one with a pro-lapse (I have dealt with this, and the chicks didn’t make it). Can anyone give some advice on how to fix this? The vet tape didn’t work (she wiggled out of it.) I have her in a cup now.
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