Recent content by WesterBee

  1. WesterBee

    Chick question - open mouth shaking head

    Hey BYCers! Hoping for some advice on my 4 week old Bielefelder chick. Last night she was doing this open mouth head shaking action. Her crop is empty this morning and she is eating and drinking. Any ideas advice as to what could be going on?
  2. WesterBee

    Shell-less egg?

    @Wyorp Rock Thank you SO much for this experienced advice! This is all very, very helpful and I so appreciate you taking the time! My local Wilco is about 20 miles away so will go pick up the dust tomorrow but it looks like I’ll have to source the Permethrin 10 elsewhere. I’ll look around and...
  3. WesterBee

    Mite or Louse?

    Thank you, I thought so. Now excuse me while I go scrub my skin off 🤣🤢
  4. WesterBee

    Mite or Louse?

    Can y’all experts help me identifying this pest found on one of my pullets today? I’m not confident in my identification. Attached are photos at various levels of magnification. Thank you!!
  5. WesterBee

    Shell-less egg?

    Welp upon closer inspection we do appear to be dealing with either lice or mites (EW!!!). While I didn’t find any on the Brahma I found this gross lil bugger on one of the others and now my skin is absolutely crawling and I’m considering shaving my head 🤣 Crazy because I pick them up and look...
  6. WesterBee

    Shell-less egg?

    This is helpful, thank you!!!
  7. WesterBee

    Shell-less egg?

    @Wyorp Rock Thanks for always coming to the rescue on my posts, your advice is always so helpful and appreciated! She is acting normal, nothing seems off with her behavior at all so that is reassuring. I’ll get her dosed with some calcium and do a thorough lice/mite check and report back...
  8. WesterBee

    Shell-less egg?

    My light Brahma pullet is 26 weeks old this week and is having much more trouble getting in the swing of laying than the others did. Her first egg was laid in the run by the feed, like she was eating and it just popped out unexpectedly. I had seen her in the nest box earlier that day (2/6) but...
  9. WesterBee

    Hoarse Pullet

    @Wyorp Rock I am happy to update that her crop was empty this morning and her voice had returned to normal. Thanks again for nailing down this one for me! I still can’t believe stridor never came up in my books or searching and you really gave me peace of mind. Hopefully this helps someone in...
  10. WesterBee

    Hoarse Pullet

    @Wyorp Rock You’re the best, thank you for always sharing your knowledge! I definitely plan to check her crop in the morning. I did leave her in the coop with the rest of her mates for the night, they just get unnecessarily bothered when one is away. I will update if things get worse but I have...
  11. WesterBee

    Hoarse Pullet

    My pullet Rainier just laid her first egg today! Very exciting news indeed. During the process she was quite vocal and started seeming like she was straining to “bock” but afterwards her voice was completely normal. I ran an errand, came back to get everyone settled for the night and now she has...
  12. WesterBee

    Choose your fighter! Who will lay the first egg?

    You’re thinking along the same lines as me! The photos were all taken within a couple of days of each other and I too have Rainier in the lead as it stands with Odin as a close second. No one is overtly squatting yet but I’m keeping my eye on it for certain! Here is a photo from today, so hard...
  13. WesterBee

    Choose your fighter! Who will lay the first egg?

    The pullets have will reach the 18 week mark this Wednesday and as they continue to shape shift into “real chickens” as the kiddo says, we’ve begun a discussion in the house which has turned into a bet/poll on who will lay the first egg. Many non-chicken people guesses currently have Blondie the...
  14. WesterBee

    Broken blood feather? Remove?

    I’m hoping to avoid the quick, strong yank pliers maneuver and I kind of think we might just be ok since it does seem to be clotting. There was a small amount of blood after she preened so I picked her up for inspection and it was actually already scabbed over so I’m thinking in preening she...
  15. WesterBee

    Broken blood feather? Remove?

    I was cleaning the girls coop and hanging out with them when I noticed blood coming from my light Brahma’s rump after she preened. Upon further investigation it appears to be a broken blood feather. It looks awfully painful so I’m wondering if I ought to pull it or try to get it to clot?
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