BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
Well doesn’t Tony just look like a bucket of hAPPYNeSs?
Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
And Bucky just casually wanting to murder him, aw..
Pampered chicken girl
Pampered chicken girl
That pretty much sums up the whole rp 🤣🤣 Tony being mad or annoyed and getting picked on and bucky wanting to kill him
Oob Child
Oob Child
I love the Avengers, but I don't have time to rp :(

I think I've watched the whole MCU about 50 times 🤣
The crazy Poultry hoarder
The crazy Poultry hoarder
Sure I'll join where are th papers :lau
Pampered chicken girl
Pampered chicken girl
Would you actually like to join?
The crazy Poultry hoarder
The crazy Poultry hoarder
The crazy Poultry hoarder
I might get killed but we will see
Pampered chicken girl
Pampered chicken girl
We'll make sure ya don't 🤣 let me get the spreadsheet of available characters
The crazy Poultry hoarder
The crazy Poultry hoarder
Ooh can I be Loki :oops::bow
The crazy Poultry hoarder
The crazy Poultry hoarder
If not I will be black widow
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