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  1. Stoney Meadow Maple

    So, Cayugas…

    Nice day for them to be outside
  2. Stoney Meadow Maple

    So, Cayugas…

    Oh man are they messy😂, I got back late and didn’t trouble myself with a brooder, so they got set up in my front hall, which is tile. Brooder is top priority today.
  3. Stoney Meadow Maple

    So, Cayugas…

    That’s what I was thinking. But I had gone way out of my way, and I was there, so.. home they came. I really wanted bigger birds
  4. Stoney Meadow Maple

    So, Cayugas…

    I bought a pair of Cayuga ducks from a poultry farm here in VT, they are supposed to be 10 weeks, but look a little younger to me, but I’ve been out of the duckling game a while now. One has definite quacks, the other I was worried, but I think we got a couple from it.. so fingers crossed. I...
  5. Stoney Meadow Maple

    What do I call this duckling?

    Steve, call it Steve.
  6. Stoney Meadow Maple

    6 week runners with the rest of the flock?

    I know how to voice sex, but do you think 6-8 weeks is too early to be reliable?
  7. Stoney Meadow Maple

    6 week runners with the rest of the flock?

    I have suffered some losses, down to 4 hens, and one drake who is too feeble to mate them, he gets to the food and water and that’s about it. I responded to an ad for 1.5 months old runners, I should be able to sex them by voice, but how about mixing them in with the rest? Do you think I would...
  8. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Is this broodiness or something more sinister?

    By the time I got home from work she was gone. She looked perfect, she was starting to stiffen I felt around but didn’t feel an egg, I don’t know if she foraged something she shouldn’t have, or if she was egg bound or if one broke in there. It is sad, and I am worried about the others. Thank you...
  9. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Is this broodiness or something more sinister?

    I can tomorrow, or perhaps even tonight. 2 things come to mind as different, I changed their bedding and the feed store had a different brand out of Canada that just said “wood shavings” not as soft or absorbent, might even be hardwood. And the mice opened the corner of the bag of meal worms and...
  10. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Is this broodiness or something more sinister?

    My Harlequin is somewhere around 4 years old, she’s usually pretty adventurous and more apt to be off on her own. I have been home for the last 4 days so they have been out of their fence and moving around. Thursday she was out and around with the ladies, Friday she went down in the lilies and...
  11. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Homing pigeon info.

    I am sort of interested in learning more about homing pigeons, I guess the ducks aren’t enough 😂 Are there any good books or websites, clubs etc with good information to get started with? Thanks!
  12. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Cool egg today

    Nobody new for several years, there’s 1 Rouen, 2 Pekins, one runner and one Harlequin.
  13. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Cool egg today

    I get green periodically, never had one this dark or brown either.
  14. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Breed selection

    so a BBB goes pretty big, but processed at say 14? Week’s should get me near my goal?
  15. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Breed selection

    I am back on my turkey kick, reading up on breeds, I think I want to go with smaller birds, a heritage type breed, as opposed to the faster growing BBW or similar which are typically used for thanksgiving birds. These would be processed shortly before thanksgiving. Hoping for a 12lb average bird...
  16. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  17. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  18. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  19. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Tiny eggs?

    I still haven’t done anything with it, my daughter “helped” me date eggs tonight and announced she wanted eggies for breakfast, so we shall see what the little egg holds.
  20. Stoney Meadow Maple

    Tiny eggs?

    i havent used it yet, i have been making spam and egg breakfasts however...YUM!
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