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  • Users: dpenning
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  1. dpenning

    Rest when processing

    When you are processing a large batch of birds do you let them Rest before freezing and if so do you bring them at the same time so when you thaw they are ready to cook? Or B: do you immediately freeze and thaw and Bri e just prior to oooking? I’ve got a Bunch of Roos that need to go to...
  2. dpenning

    Rest when processing

    When you are processing a large batch of birds do you let them Rest before freezing and if so do you bring them at the same time so when you thaw they are ready to cook? Or B: do you immediately freeze and thaw and Bri e just prior to oooking? I’ve got a Bunch of Roos that need to go to...
  3. dpenning

    Do all duck eggs smell swampy?

    So I had a duck egg go rotten and explode in my hand in my kitchen. The stench was unbelievable! So now when I pick up a duck egg I give it a sniff test. I haven’t had any others smell totally rotten but even fresh eggs smell swampy when compared to a fresh chicken egg. Has anyone else...
  4. dpenning

    Peacock in the hood.....

    So yesterday this guy was wandering around the neighborhood. At dusk yesterday he went to roost in a tree I. A swampy area of our property. No one I. The hood knows who he belongs to. Can they surveying their own? If he is still around when I get home should I try to catch him? How far can...
  5. dpenning

    Ideal Website not secure?

    Hey gang, It looks like Ideal has re-designed their web site and it says not secure all over it, both in the URL and when going to payment. Has anyone ordered since they changed it and did you have any problems or concerns? Credit card fraud is bad enough without using unsecured websites...
  6. dpenning

    New Duckling Integration

    Hey guys, I have some questions about new duckling integration. My scenario is that I have one male pekin, (Street Food or SF) and 3 females. I was hoping that would be enough to spread the love but the back of the girls heads are getting a little thin. I want to order some sexed pekin...
  7. dpenning

    Chicken moat

    This is an interesting article about combining chicken keeping and gardening as pest control for your crops...
  8. dpenning

    Flock raiser to layer feed?

    Once they start laying should I switch to a layer feed? Honestly mine are fending for themselves for the most part but I do put out pelleted food daily. They just don’t seem that interested in it. I would like their shells to be stronger. I just do t know ove seen any duck specific layer pellets.
  9. dpenning

    Mystery Egg Eater.....

    So I've started seeing duck eggs along the bank of the pond instead of IN the pond. This is progress. I thought squirrels or raccoons were eating the eggs overnight so I've been looking out there several times a day looking for eggs. The eggs I've found along the bank have all been punctured...
  10. dpenning

    Ducks hiding eggs?

    So my pekins are six months old. They live on my pond that has some long grass on the back side of the dam. They spend quite a bit of time back there and i'm wondering if they are laying eggs back there. I go over and look for them periodically but have never seen any eggs. Are they old...
  11. dpenning

    Service before crowing?

    So I have a rooster that is 5.5 months old. I haven’t heard him crowing but the chickens are quite a way from the house. I think I’m starting to see fertile eggs. At what age do roo’s typically start servicing his ladies?
  12. dpenning

    Are Ducks Night Blind?

    So we went to dinner last night and it was already dark when we got home and I went to lock up my ducks. When I went outside I'm not sure if I spooked them or if they had someothing chasing them as they all went into the water (the house is quite a ways away from their pen and the pond). Two of...
  13. dpenning

    Like a duck to water.....?!?

    I must have defective ducks. ;) My Pekins are just not interested in the pond. With as much rain as we have hade lately they are perfectly content with mud puddles. I have gently herded them down to the pond daily for a couple of weeks now. They only stay as long as I do, once I back up...
  14. dpenning

    Weird error

    I’ve been getting strange errors this morning. Trying to navigate between threads on my iPhone. Got a different one while trying to upload this image. No big deal, just FYI
  15. dpenning

    How much to feed Pekins?

    Ok, I just had a head slap moment. I have 8 Pekins that are 8-11 weeks old. They appear to be full grown. I've been leaving food out 24/7. I just realized these are meat birds and could potentially eat themselves to death like meat chickens. Dunno if they are as bad or not. My question...
  16. dpenning

    Leading ducks to water

    So my duck pen is about 150’ from my 5 acre pond. My Perkins are full grown and I have tried twice to slowly herd them to the pond walking behind them with my arms wide. I got 5 of them close enough to get their webs wet but the y were panicking and immediately ran back up to their pen. I had...
  17. dpenning

    At what age can my Pekins hit the big pond?

    my big kids have been coming out of the duck pen to play in their yard and baby pool I have fenced off but I’m wondering what age is safe to let them out onto my 5 acre pond?
  18. dpenning

    24 hours since first external pip....

    Ok, I know ducks take longer. Yesterday I had tiny external pips in 4 of my six pekin eggs. Now they each have at least two "pip dents" where they have punched a couple of holes. How long do you let them cook before going in to assist? Today is day 26.I guess the way I should ask it is how...
  19. dpenning

    Hey rubber ducky.... first time in water!

    Two weeks old and their first “pond” experience. I’ve been giving them fresh water with a handful of greens every day. :)
  20. dpenning

    Slowdown in laying....

    So my nine girls are giving me two to three eggs per day. Some are year olds and some are two years. What are the common culprits for a slowdown? I know the days are getting shorter but not that short yet. I did put a light I to the co-op a couple of weeks ago just In case no one is moulting...
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