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  1. JenandHerQuails

    Derby Connecticut!! Anyone??

    Hello! I am looking for anyone else in Derby CT that has chickens or ducks.Hope to find some nearby chicken lovers. :)
  2. JenandHerQuails

    WANTED Ancona hens

    Hello! I am looking to adopt two or more ancona hens for my teachers two ancona drakes. He has a large pond for these ducks so they will be very happy. Please let me know if you have any hens! Take care, Jen :)
  3. JenandHerQuails

    Eight Coturnix Quail chicks for sale! Different colors.

    Hello! I am located in Derby CT. The chicks I have are; four golden hens, two male goldens, one tibetan and one tuxedo. They will be four weeks old this weekend. Please let me know if you are interested or have any questions! Thank you, Jen
  4. JenandHerQuails

    Chicken/quail hybrid???

    I was looking on ebay for hatching quail eggs and found this: Someone is selling chicken/quail hybrid hatching eggs! I would love to bid on them but I want to make sure this is real. Has anyone had quail hybrids before? Pictures...
  5. JenandHerQuails

    Valley quails in the winter?

    I hatched 11 valley quails that are almost a week old. I have button quails and coturnix quails. The buttons stay inside full time but the coturnix are outside in an unheated coop. The inside part of the coop has a light that is on from 3pm to 12am so it does stay a few degrees warmer in there...
  6. JenandHerQuails

    Anyone have Silver coturnix quails???

    Please post all ads, including "wanted" ads in the Buy Sell Trade section only. Please see the rules for that section here Thank you! Staff
  7. JenandHerQuails

    Valley Quail pipping on small end of egg

    Today is day 22 for my valley quails. 10 out of 15 eggs have pipped but one pipped on the pointy end. No chicks are out yet. The one who is on the wrong side has its beak out a little and has made no progress in 24 hours. It rocks the egg, moves its beak side to side but cant seem to zip around...
  8. JenandHerQuails

    My quails are laying but the ones I sold from the same hatch are not??

    I hatched 30 quails on July and sold 15 to a lady who works at a farmers market. My quails have been laying since September but the quails I gave the lady haven't laid one egg yet. I know she has 8 females so she should be getting eggs. Why would they not be laying? She keeps them in a large...
  9. JenandHerQuails

    Brinsea eco 20 temperature problems!!!

    I have 80 button quail and 14 valley quail eggs in my Brinsea eco 20 incubator. Today is day 6. My spot check says the temp is 99.8 F. I have it hanging down through the vent next to the eggs. When I moved the spot check just a few inches over to the left the temp was 98.5!!!!! I don't know...
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