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  • Users: Agathe
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  1. A

    Do you cull occasional egg eaters?

    I have a couple of chickens that I know have eaten their eggs at times because I'll find them with yellow spots on their feathers. But I've never caught them in the act and whenever I intend to (like separate them for a while or keep an extra eye on them) they don't eat the eggs. So I don't know...
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    Hope for poor egg layer?

    I have a single orpington hen. She was the only one that hatched and the others are a different breed. She layed well with eggs for about the first year but has since hardly layed at all. I’ve wondered if this might be because she isn’t happy in the group as she has a very different personality...
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    Culling older birds?

    Do you take out older birds from your flock and if so, at what age? We have very limited space in our coop plus feed costs are double of what they were, so I can’t justify keeping birds that aren’t laying well. At the same time I have a hard time justifying culling them too. Our oldest birds are...
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    Egg song - false alarm?

    Can a chicken egg song be a false alarm? We've suspected a couple of our chickens of eating their eggs so we've been keeping an extra eye on them, and I frequently hear them making the egg song but when I go into the coop there aren't any eggs. The suspected offenders aren't consistent in their...
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    Mealworms not eating and inactive

    I assume some of you breed mealworms for your chickens, so I’m hoping for some advice as I recently started myself. My mealworms don’t seem to be interested in any food I give them and seem fairly inactive. I’ve had them for about a week. I’m wondering if maybe it is because they are turning...
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    Sick chicken with few obvious symptoms

    I have a sick chicken and I've posted about her before but haven't gotten much response, so I'm trying again. I found her standing by herself with her feathers puffed up. After a day of that I brought her inside so I could monitor her. But she seems to only have one symptom: she won't eat or...
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    Sick chicken, what should I look for..?

    Not looking for a diagnosis but suggestions for what I might have missed when examining her. Found her fluffed up and hunched over yesterday. She was like this all day but perked up when I offered her treats so she has an appetite. When she didn't get better I brought her inside. Her crop feels...
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    Rooster breathing heavily

    As I locked up the flock tonight I noticed the rooster breathing heavily. Breathing with his nose and not sounding wheezy or anything, more like a whistling sound. I went back with a flashlight to check and then he was less loud, I probably wouldn't have noticed anything unusual then, but I had...
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    What can I expect if I cull our only rooster?

    I have a rooster that I'm considering to cull. He's got 8 hens whom he is very caring towards. He is a good rooster, but in certain situations he will attack me, no one else, just me. This happens when they free range and the hens come running towards me when they see me. I think he sees me as...
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    Eggs with sour smell when cooked

    I tend to use old eggs for making a type of rolls with oats, yoghurt/kefir and baking soda. I always crack these eggs separately and smell them before using them and chuck them if anything seems off. Yet when baked they can give off a sour smell, not a bad smell, just a little sour. Does this...
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    Tips for stubborn broody hen?

    We've had 2 broody hens this year but no space for more chickens so it hasn't been a good time. First one we put in a rabbit cage inside the coop for just a day or two before we let her outside in an area where she didn't have access to a nesting box and she forgot all about it quite quickly. We...
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    Sour crop, crop not emptying overnight

    I have a chicken with sour crop and I got great help here yesterday. After trying different things with no success, I finally made fennel seed tea as suggested on here, and I saw significant improvement within a few hours. Her crop emptied out quite a bit and she made several poops, her tail...
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    Sour crop not improving, may be other issues going on

    I have a chicken that I yesterday morning found lethargic. I took her aside and could feel that her crop was large and squishy, like all filled with fluid. She also had diarrhoea, which might have had for a few days as I've noticed that there have been watery poops under one of the roosts in the...
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    Bald patches on chicken in winter

    I've got a chicken that over summer developed bald patches on her back that I assume stem from being the rooster's favourite. He has 9 hens and none of the others look like that. No injuries or signs of illness or pests. I had hoped the feathers would grow back in before winter but they have not...
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    Negative impact of removing the rooster from the flock?

    We have a flock of 9 hens and a roo. The rooster has always been friendly, up until recently. The roo and the older hens are a year and a half while the new additions are just a few months. The problem arose around the time when the new hens became mature and the rooster started seeing them as...
  16. A

    How long for calcium deposits to improve, or other reasons for brittle shells?

    I've recently merged chicks (now laying) with my older hens. Because I've had two flocks I've also ended up with surplus grower feed. In order not to waste this I have mixed layer feed with grower feed. They do have access to oyster shells aside from this. In addition I live on an island so...
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    Rooster territorial about coop - integrating chicks

    We are currently integrating 7 week old chicks with our grown flock. We've moved the chicks into the run in a separate pen. They spend time together outdoors and have so for a couple of weeks. No chasing but the adults as expected prefer the chicks to keep to themselves and not get too close...
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    Dealing with heat stress in chickens

    I'm in Northern Norway and we've had a cold spring/start of summer that suddenly turned into unusually hot weather. I've asked about this before as my birds showed signs of heat stress, mostly at night, and it was suggested to put a fan in the coop. We had 3-4 days of really warm nights in the...
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    How long will adults typically peck at the chicks?

    I'm integrating 5 week old chicks with my adult flock and have received great advice here. So far we've let the chicks out in the run with the adults where they have a place to keep to themselves. It's worked well. 3 of the hens will peck at the chicks when they get too close, the others don't...
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    How to keep chickens/coop cool on warm nights?

    I am in Northern Norway was taken by surprise yesterday by an unusually warm night. Normally the coop is a few degrees warmer than it is outside, which works to our advantage, but last night the chickens struggled. I opened both coop doors (I do have ventilation too) in order to get as much air...
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