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  1. TundraGhost

    A Tribute to my hen Shirley

    On Saturday April 27th, my dear hen Shirley passed away over night in my room. I tried everything I could to help her, and made a few posts here in search of answers. I learned a lot of things and glad people were willing to help or suggest ideas. She had her ups and downs, I took her to the vet...
  2. TundraGhost

    Questions about Sour Crop

    Hi, it's me again. This is a follow-up from my last thread about my hen acting off. (Link here.) Do let me know if there's a better way to update people! I don't think I can edit the post anymore Good news and bad news, good is that I tried Miconazole and it really helped. Cleared her up for...
  3. TundraGhost

    Hen acting stand off-ish, puffed up, losing weight, adjusting crop a lot etc

    Hello everyone, I have a weird case with my hen Shirley, she has been acting very strange and causing me worry. I suspect sour crop but honestly I'm not sure. I also question if she's just cold. I tried to be as precise as I could, and thank anyone in advance for reading. 1) What type of bird...
  4. TundraGhost

    Chicken Diapers made from Shirts?

    Hello! A good many months ago I came across a video of a girl showing how to make a temporary chicken diaper out of an old T-shirt. I can't find it anywhere now, and figured I would check here in case people had similar examples or perhaps other temporary diapers I could make. Most DIY videos I...
  5. TundraGhost

    Unsure if hen has coccidiosis, Marek's or other illness (video)

    I'm faced with a tough decision this weekend. My little hen, Faye, isn't doing too well. I'm feeling that the best thing to do for her might be to put her to sleep. She began looking hunched over, and less energetic. Had watery yellow/green droppings. I have been treating her for coccidiosis...
  6. TundraGhost

    Tips for getting hen to drink medicated water?

    So one of my hens has coccidiosis, and I talked to a vet and got Amprolium + some anti inflammatory. My problem is, she seems to have stopped drinking much water at all, and dislikes the medicine water. I've seen her peck water droplets off the chicken wire instead of her drinking bowl. On...
  7. TundraGhost

    Sore or wound under hens wing? Assuming it's from roo's spurs (pics included)

    I was petting my hen Nella today and noticed she had a hard spot under her wing. I lifted up some feathers and found a pretty ugly wound. I think it's healed over some by now, and I assume it's from our rooster's spurs. This is the first big wound I have seen on any of my chickens so it was a...
  8. TundraGhost

    Rooster shaking his head, but no sign of mites/head shaking in hens (video included)

    Hi everyone! Long time since I've posted here, but I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on what's up with my rooster(s). I have two, and they both sparsely (but noticeably) shake their head like this from time to time. For the longest time I assumed it was their wattles annoying...
  9. TundraGhost

    Humidity Issues in Winter

    Hello everyone! This is my first Winter with chickens (it's their first Winter too) and so far my humidity/temperature monitor has been reading anywhere from 60% to 80% humidity. The coop is insulated and we have tried adding more ventilation but the humidity doesn't change much. I have been...
  10. TundraGhost

    Hen Squawking Loudly In the Evening/Night?

    I have 4 hens that are 20 weeks old, and they started laying eggs on the 25th of September. When they laid their first few eggs, all of them would frequently make a loud squawking sound, and I figured it was because egg-laying was new and they didn't know where to go or what to do. They have the...
  11. TundraGhost

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello! I joined a while ago but I was too shy to make an introduction lol. My name is Leah, and I'm very new to chicken keeping and only got my first 6 (unplanned) chicks on May 28th, 2021. We got two more on June 29th so they're about 5 weeks apart. I'll go ahead and answer the newbie questions...
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