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  1. M


    Best way to get a very large egg out. We've soaked, used mineral oil, tums, gentle massages, I've tried getting my pinky in there to try to help it out, but the m this egg is too large I think to get close enough. She startled and has cracked the shell. I wouldn't normally worry too much as...
  2. M

    Impacted Salivary Gland

    Is this possibly an impacted salivary gland? I've tried multiple antibiotics since October and nothing works. It almost cleared up but then it flared back up recently and is getting worse. Not sure if she's allergic to something or what's going on. There's nothing hard in there. If I push on it...
  3. M

    Jubilee Crosses

    I have a Blue Jubilee Orpington rooster and I'm about to get Jubilee Orpington hatching eggs. I'm also looking for other Orpington chicks. What crosses would he make with what colors? I'm not sure if there's a calculator for that like the one for turkey genetics but if there is, please share!
  4. M


    I was pretty sure both were hens but then the spurs through me off. I know some hens can get them but this is a very young hen still so I find it odd. Just wanting confirmation as I'm sure these are the same breed and hens.
  5. M

    Prolapse/Egg Bound/Something else?

    What could be going on and how can I help her? I found her sluggish so I picked her up and noticed she was extremely thin. I looked her over and found poop all over her. I soaked her and cleaned her up the best I could. This is what she looks like now. She's pushing but nothing is coming out and...
  6. M

    Frostbite/Frozen Foot

    Last week we had subzero temps come through and we took precautions but one hen somehow got her foot caught in the door. When I found her it was frozen solid (like a rock). She was able to stand on it until a day ago when blisters startered. One popped and the other hasn't yet. I know there's a...
  7. M

    Raspy Breathing, Skinny

    It's been a long time I've dealt with this but I've had several recently die that at first I thought was a cold from the weather changing but more and more are getting raspy breathing, very skinny, sneezing, and now gasping. I feel like now they are drowning in their own lungs like maybe it's...
  8. M


    Help with color clarification of these two. I was thinking bronze at first but they seem very light colored from ones I've seen and have had years ago. I'm sure it's too early to tell gender. They are about 4 to 4-1/2 months old.
  9. M

    Button Quail Color & Sex ID

    Can anyone help identify color and sex of these two? They are almost 8 weeks. We hear one making what we think is a female sound but we can't figure out which one and we haven't heard a crow either.
  10. M


    Every breed is this hen? Easter Egger?
  11. M


    What breed are these two young roosters? They are about 4ish months old but I can't remember entirely.
  12. M

    What breed?

    What breed is #1? About 3ish months old. #2, do I have a set (roo and hen) Dark Brahmas?
  13. M


    Does anyone have simple worded information on reovirus? Is there anything to help prevent my poults from getting it (we just had to cull a 4 month old that had it but wasn't near the 3 week poults). My head is hurting trying to read all the information on it and finding the answers I'm looking for.
  14. M

    Leg issues

    I had one of my turkeys act like they were about to have a heat stroke and legs started giving out. I brought it inside to cool off but still can't walk about almost a week. The joints now look huge and have the deep green bruise. It eats and drinks fine and it wants to walk but just can't. I...
  15. M

    HELP! Yellow poop

    I just had a turkey die and it squirted out yellow poop. I saw some spots of yellow poop last night so I did some research and it could be blackhead, worms, too much acted normal so I was going to get medicine today to just be safe and it died before I could. Nothing was moving in...
  16. M

    Help pipping

    I have an egg that's been in the incubator for 24 days. It doesn't look like it can pip properly because it appears to have somehow stayed on one side of the eggs (I had a rotator) and no sure how that happened. I can see it moving but not able to rotate when I candled it to see if it was still...
  17. M

    Thick veins

    I have a chick hatching that was due to hatch 2 days ago. It got its beak out and look to appear to having issues breathing like it was taking on water. Humidity isn't high. I was going to assist it but found that the veins are thick still. I am trying to not let it bleed out but it wants out of...
  18. M

    Hatched with leg issue

    How do I help this babies leg? One leg stays back so when it's laying down it's straight behind it. The other foot has curled toes but not sure if it's only like that when I'm looking, the way it has to move around, or I need to split them. I can't get the video to load to really show what it's...
  19. M

    Sexing turkeys

    Can anyone help me figure out if I have Tom's or Jenny's out of my three?
  20. M

    Sexing turkeys

    Not sure if anyone can tell or knows but any guesses on gender? They are about 3 months old.
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