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  1. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    I have a black australorp hen who is not eating, lethargic, closing eyes, and has a medium sized crop this morning. The crop consistency was not liquidly, but still pliable. There is no apparent smell from her beak. Also no sores or weird things in the mouth. Poops have been inconsistent, small...
  2. applethechicken

    can parrots get chicken coccidiosis?

    I have two cockatiels, and I was wondering if parrots could be affected by chicken coccidiosis? Or are chicken coccidiosis poultry exclusive? I always change clothes and wear gloves when I go outside to handle my chickens, especially when they're sick, but I'm just wondering.
  3. applethechicken

    Chicken laying shell less/ thin shelled eggs in the middle of the night on roosts

    I have an almost 1 year old ameraucana (Peach) that has laid three soft shelled eggs (a little bit of shell development) in the middle of the night. I found one last Tuesday (3/21) morning under the roosts, and that egg was supposed to be laid around 12 pm Tuesday, so it was laid hours early. I...
  4. applethechicken

    Huge crop/ slow crop problem! Please help!

    This is Apricot, she’s 8 months old and lays. Yesterday morning (Wednesday 11/16) I noticed she had a very large crop, but that was after she had ate already. It was about the size of a softball. I didn’t separate her then because she was still very active and eating. I just gave her some...
  5. applethechicken

    Does my chicken have gape worm? or crop problems?

    I have a chicken who keeps gaping/ yawning/ crop clearing, i'm not sure what it is. (Video link below) She also is sneezing more than usual. This morning, she kept doing this for over 5 minutes straight, and now in the afternoon, she does it once every 5 minutes or so. I've seen this happen for...
  6. applethechicken

    help! limping chicken/ can't use one leg

    Hi! I have an almost 6 month old (not laying yet) Rhode Island Red that has been limping for the past week. It started as a small wobble, but now she doesn't use her left leg at all. Her other leg and wings are all fine, just her left leg. Also, her toes are not curled, but they're not in their...
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