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  1. F

    How do you thin the herd?

    I went a bit chick crazy this past spring and have 11 chicks that are about 7 weeks old. 4 lavender orpingtons, 1 white orpington, 1 mystery, 1 barred rock (im guessing), 1 buff brahma, 1 ancona and 2 white leghorns. At 7 weeks old, one of the lavenders is already showing some red and comb...
  2. F

    12 week old gender

    Was told they were a gold star which I know to be a specific "brand" of red sex links. The other one I got is pretty much a solid red. I'm thinking hen but there is a bit of color in the comb and waddles. When she was a chick, her down was pretty light so I was convinced that she was a roo but...
  3. F

    What is she??

    I was thinking barred rock before but she has a tiny crest coming in now. I was thinking just a mix but I'd love to know if anyone has any ideas ❤️ I used to own a chicken that looked very similar to her, so I'm hoping she grows to look just like her 💕
  4. F

    When to introduce young pullets

    I have three fully grown hens that are laying eggs. They're on the bigger side, and I have five pullets about 11 weeks old. I've seen other people put them in the coop already at that age but I am worried, they're probably only half of their size and I really don't wanna go out to a dead pullet...
  5. F

    11 chicks, genders?

    First four are lavender orpingtons, supposedly all pullets but I've doubting one of them. Then two white leghorns, an ancona, and the last four are barnyard mixes/mysteries. According to backyar chickens, one might be a buff brahma and another might be a white Orrington.
  6. F

    Mystery chicks age and breed?

    Picked these babies up April 28th and the lady said that they should be three weeks, so about 6 weeks old now? But I don't know because the first one is fully feathered at this point. So, the first one is a different shade of white than my white leghorns. Like gray-ish, I would say like a...
  7. F

    10 week old genders

    I have 3 black jersey giants and 2 red sex links (supposedly). I really thought the lighter one was gonna be a rooster but the feathers are coming in nicely golden. They're all looking like hens to me especially for being 10 weeks old???
  8. F

    4 week old orpington gender?

    I've got 4 lavender Orpington chicks, they just turned 4 weeks old and... well. They were sexed as pullets but I'm like 99% sure that Lucifer is a little roo. Hardly a month old and already has some comb growth, redness coming in, and his tail is microscopic compared to the other chicks. When I...
  9. F

    Help! 3 week old chick acting slow

    Her name is Lord of darkness and she's always been really exciteable, like jumping at me when i open the chick cage. i had her outside with all of her siblings (a mixture of 4 week olds and 7 week olds) and one of the older chicks picked a fight with her about 30 mins ago. Ever since the fight...
  10. F

    Two mystery chicks

    Just picked up a couple of mysteries.. lady said the one with feathered legs was a silkie but the feathers are clearly not silkie lol and she only has 4 toes
  11. F

    Mystery chick, gender and breed?

    Was told it was "a gold star" but I don't know :/ his/her tail is growing in miraculously slowly and is much much smaller than the 4 other chicks I got at the exact same time. I know there are late bloomers.. but they are all 7 weeks old and this one is half the size of the others. According to...
  12. F

    7 week old roo or hen?

    This is a jersey giant. I'm guessing roo, as I see saddle feathers and his tail feathers are much bigger and fuller than his siblings. I'll attach a pic of one of his siblings suspected to be a hen (bottom pic) also wanted to know what age i can put them outside? I was guessing 10 weeks to be sure
  13. F

    red sex link curly tail feathers?

    Um so.. she's got all of the signs pointing towards her being a pullet, but she's got two long tail feathers coming in and it concerns me. the rest of her tail is coming in slowly. the lady i bought her from said she was a "gold star". does this just happen sometimes with pullets? her brother is...
  14. F

    Breed on this hen?

    Bought her as a mystery from a local shop that sometimes sells chickens. I really don't know what she could be. She lays medium brown eggs sometimes with white speckles
  15. F

    5 week old chicks, gender and breed?

    When I first bought them, the lady present said Bantams. Then I was doubting so I called the store and the lady that owns the place told me that they were jersey giants and gold stars. I've done a lot of research on gold stars and hardly anything pops up, it's genuinely annoying lol so idk if...
  16. F

    What's the breed of this huge hen?

    I haven't weighed her but she has laid two very large tan eggs with white speckles, and she is much heavier than my other chickens (Bottom egg is hers) And is there any way to tell age?
  17. F

    Age and breed?

    I've got 5 new mystery chicks, when I went to the little store I bought them from the lady said that they were "bantams"- tbh i own a bantam and dont remember her being quite this big as a chick lol, plus this lady was clearly a friend looking over the store temporarily. They all have lil tail...
  18. F

    Why would a chicken peck me only while petting a different chicken?

    I've had these two girls for almost a year now, they are soo sweet and I love them. Both are very welcoming to pets, but recently when I try to pet brownie, blackie will peck at my fingers. And only then. I don't think chickens are capable of jealousy lmao, so what do you think it is?
  19. F

    Help on how to incorporate 8.5 week old chick with full grown hen

    So I have two one year old hens, both easter eggers. They're chunky girls, but the chick i want to add to their little hen flock is a japanese bantam and she's 8.5 weeks old. I worry that the size difference could mean that she'll never be safe to be left alone with them. For reference she's...
  20. F

    7 week old japanese bantam gender

    I've asked three times now, I really wanna believe that it's a pullet so that I don't have to rehome her. Her sister's comb is much smaller though and I'm worried lol. Comb doesn't look red to me but it definitely has a little color in there. Can pullets grow their combs at different rates...
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