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  • Users: AShelDuck1
  • Content: Threads
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    SOS!!! Nearly Drowned Hen

    My hen nearly Drowned. My husband rescued her, I wrapped her in a towel and rubbed her, I fed her 1 cc of colloidal silver, got her scrambled eggs, and now she's up and about. At this point I'm afraid of respiratory illness. How long should I keep her separate
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    Angel Wing and Blue Swedish

    I've been raising ducks for a few years. I'm still a novice despite the amount of ducks I've brooded and raised. But, in the several years that I've had them I've never had Angel Wing. I have my first two angel wing ducks. I did change things this year: Based on advice someone told me to up my...
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    Duck Cough

    My drake is coughing and my hen stopped laying. I have a lot of chickens and ducks what do I need to do, buy, help me treat. I would be devastated to even lose one.
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    Water system

    I need a water system that doesn't drench my brooder in a hour after use. I have to clean it out SO MUCH. It's crazy. I have a bucket with water cups and they still manage to get water EVERY WHERE. Someone has to have invented a mess free system that also allows the baby chicks that are with...
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    Day old chick

    What happened? Should I be worried about the rest? Every one else is fine. Just suddenly stopped moving and laying around. Every one else is energetic but I don't want to lose more
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    Surprise Chick

    Got this surprise Chick in my order. What do you think it is? Gender/Breed
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    Last Time, I promise

    these two are hens? This is the same lavender, hen?? These three are cockerel?? I have one more I think is obviously a rooster but idk
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    How Do I know Gender

    I'm processing my chickens tomorrow. I want to keep one rooster and 2-4 best hens. But I just can't tell what is what?! They all look the same to me. Tell me what to look for. Is there a way to look at vents? They all look the same! Stringy feathers are roosters?
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    Gender Can't Tell

    Which are roosters and which are hens? I seem to have different levels of wattles Born November 7 I think there's one buff rooster and one hen but what's with the lavender? It has more wattle than the hen but less than the rooster? I have 7 lavenders that all seem the same
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    How many

    So, if I want 16 chickens 15 to the freezer 1 as an egg producer How many eggs would you incubate to account for not hatching/predator loss/etc.?
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    Giggity Ducks

    Mr and Mrs Brekky are the only survivors of a flock murder. So I incubated their eggs. I had 14, but there was a power outage. 4 hatched. I'm thinking 3 drakes and 1 hen. They hatched 11/7/2023 Today I went to make sure their water was unfrozen and Mr. Brekky and Little Brekky were in the...
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    Gender Reveal!

    I'm pretty confident on the ducks. 3 drakes and 1 hen. Based on quack and neck and you can see the line of the color change on the neck. So with the chickens.... All these guys with red waddles are roosters?! I have 2 hens?! The picture with just two ducks are the duck mom and dad of those...
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    Little early yet

    How many roosters and drakes? I'm thinking that I have 3 drakes and a female based on neck size and quack. But these ducks don't quack the same as other breeds. Their parents are both quiet. But three are the same raspy quack. My sure tell is when they get that drake feather Chickens, first...
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    Functional Use/Improving Space

    Trying to maximize use and make this more functional. Chickens and Ducks. Show me ideas and what you do to have a functional area for brooders and nesters. We are frugal so show me frugal ideas where you buy little and reuse what you can find.
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    Mrs. Brekky's Eggs

    All the same duck... What's going on?!
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    Raccoon proof

    We repurposed this shed into a duck house and chicken coop. Currently we have new chicks and ducklings brooding in there. The adults of my flock don't come in at night. Should I make them? But main question how do I make these doors more raccoon proof? My run is so big I don't think it's...
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    No raccoons are getting my ducks this winter. How do I make this refurbished shed more raccoon proof.
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    Breakfast Club

    I had chickens 2 years ago and lost a flock, but I think my heart is healed enough to get more (and I'm sick of duck eggs, lol) I have a flock of ducks now. I had ducks with my chickens before, so it should be ok? I wanted 4 hens, but the person I'm getting them from doesn't sex them. So do I...
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    Duck Eggs

    If you missed a few days picking up eggs and the eggs were laid out in the sun during a hot summer day... Would you eat those eggs?
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    Repopulate after tragedy

    We had a tragedy. An animal got in and murdered my ducks! These two survived. One male and one female (what breed? Saxony?) What are the chances that they can repopulate my ducks? And how do I encourage that? I just don't know if I can afford to get more again after losing that! I'm so upset...
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