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  1. LoveOfFeathers

    My Two Guineas

    I recently got a new rooster and he turned out to be a total jerk. He attacked my hand tonight when I was trying to clip his waterer back into place. I grabbed him and evicted him from his coop. My female Guinea hen normally loves roosters, he squared up and double barreled her right into the...
  2. LoveOfFeathers

    What Color Is This Silkie?

    I think I made a frankencolor! Dark comb, red wattles, pigmented patches on neck, dark around eye skin. Is this critter recessive for the mottling gene? An alien species?It’s a….that looks gross while grooming itself. Only six weeks old.
  3. LoveOfFeathers

    Examples Of Chicken Intelligence

    I have a silkie pullet that has learnt that if she pecks the top of my boot twice, I’ll pick her up and put her in my lap for snuggles. She can be so demanding sometimes, I’ll cuddle her for a few minutes then put her back on the ground, she’ll come back peck the top of my boot for more. She...
  4. LoveOfFeathers

    Chick math got me like 🥴 Chicken Drama got me like 🤪

    I have several broody hens and I’ve run out of brooder pens for when the chicks hatch. I also collect roosters for some freaking reason! I hope my hatch isn’t mostly roosters because I’ll for sure get attached to at least one of them. “Raise chickens they said, it’ll be fun they said” It’s fun...
  5. LoveOfFeathers

    Chicken? Say It Isn’t So!

    I have a micro project that I’ve been working on for a few years and their temperament is absolutely amazing. They pretty much hatch out of the eggshell already tamed. They love to be cuddled, picked up and are so loving that I almost step on at least one every day. They are right underneath my...
  6. LoveOfFeathers

    Splash Ermine Coloring? Pictures??

    I’m just curious to know how a splash colored ermine/paint would look!
  7. LoveOfFeathers

    Share Your Beautiful Chicken Eye Pictures

    I’ll start. This is Casanova, he is a mutt bird that has some sort of game bird in him. He has the guineas and the hens wrapped around his feather. His eyes look like a ring of fire!
  8. LoveOfFeathers

    Serama Bred By Silkie Cockerel

    Two little fluff butts hatched on Saturday from serama eggs. One chick has five toes on both feet and the other only has nine total. They are cute little blue buggers. I know they’ll be satin feathered but I wonder how big they will get, right not they are tiny little cotton balls. One appears...
  9. LoveOfFeathers

    Just Rambling About Coop Drama

    I’m a true crazy chicken lady, I moved a few pet large fowl layers from the pasture pen to a Fort Knox pen (the silkie/ frizzle/ funky crew). I had to move some birds out to the pasture coop to put the pets with the silkies. I have a max number of birds that I’ll confine in a coop together. I...
  10. LoveOfFeathers

    Dominate White Mutation or Something Else?

    I have this chick that came from a paint and black pair. I know it’s partridge colored. I’ve seen something about dominant white gene having mutations. So both my paint and my black have carry the eb (partridge) gene. Cock is Black but Carries both silver and gold. Hen is paint? This chick looks...
  11. LoveOfFeathers

    Learning About Genetics

    I’ve only been learning about poultry genetics for a few months, I’m absolutely hooked. My curiosity started when I bred a splash polish to my mottled rooster and got a chick with bright red down. I was like wha??? Chick down is red Sire as a cockerel As a cock
  12. LoveOfFeathers

    A Girl Can Dream!!

    Somedays all I want is to have a secluded tiny cabin, a whole lot of chickens and a man who loves building chicken coops to support my addiction.
  13. LoveOfFeathers

    Silver Leakage on Silkie.

    Is this considered silver on his hackles? It doesn’t look gold to me but trying to make sure. I’m using him to breed to my paint silkie.
  14. LoveOfFeathers

    A Docile Brooder Hen Is Irreplaceable

    A good hen who is curious, friendly and sane is worth her weight in gold when it comes to raising chicks. Some hens are laid back while sitting on eggs but after the chicks hatch they go bat chit. I had a semi pet hen that liked to be picked up and petted hatch out and was absolutely nuts over...
  15. LoveOfFeathers

    May The Odds Be In Their Favor!!!!

    Long story. My showgirl laid fourteen eggs that I collected and stashed on top of her cage in a dog bowl. She was broody for at least a week, maybe longer on nothing when I moved her to a different pen. Five days after relocating her and her rooster, I decided to set my precious stash of eggs...
  16. LoveOfFeathers

    Was At Wits End With Hen Spilling Chick Waterer

    I was using a one quart jar waterer, my hen would kick it off the three inch tall paver stone and soak her chicks shavings. Then the risk of coccidia and the smell of wet shavings and poop, I was cleaning the pen everyday. I got fed up with her today, said some not so nice words then remembered...
  17. LoveOfFeathers

    Hiccups And My Crazy Flock

    I moved a few roosters around today to get ready for my hatchlings coming later this week. While standing at the yard hydrant filling up a waterer an uncontrollable sound escapes my body, a hiccup. At the first one, only one chicken got upset but then I started to laugh which made the hiccups...
  18. LoveOfFeathers

    Chicks Hatched Early

    I found a wonderful surprise today, I had a hen start hatching a day early. They are cochin bantams. So far I have one black, two blue chicks and two eggs pipped. I also have more chicks hatching by this weekend. They will be barnyard mutts, I’m hoping for a short legged one. Also have another...
  19. LoveOfFeathers

    Spiral Leg Bands Assorted Size Availability

    I swear about 15 years ago I was able to find an assorted size pack of spiral leg bands. Is that still a thing? I can find assorted colors but not assorted sizes. I have a mixed flock of small bantams to extra large fowl and I don’t want to have to buy a pack of every size. Thanks for reading.
  20. LoveOfFeathers

    Silkie chick color???

    What color is this funky colored chick going to be? Came from tsc.
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