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  • Users: WesterBee
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  1. WesterBee

    Mite or Louse?

    Can y’all experts help me identifying this pest found on one of my pullets today? I’m not confident in my identification. Attached are photos at various levels of magnification. Thank you!!
  2. WesterBee

    Shell-less egg?

    My light Brahma pullet is 26 weeks old this week and is having much more trouble getting in the swing of laying than the others did. Her first egg was laid in the run by the feed, like she was eating and it just popped out unexpectedly. I had seen her in the nest box earlier that day (2/6) but...
  3. WesterBee

    Hoarse Pullet

    My pullet Rainier just laid her first egg today! Very exciting news indeed. During the process she was quite vocal and started seeming like she was straining to “bock” but afterwards her voice was completely normal. I ran an errand, came back to get everyone settled for the night and now she has...
  4. WesterBee

    Choose your fighter! Who will lay the first egg?

    The pullets have will reach the 18 week mark this Wednesday and as they continue to shape shift into “real chickens” as the kiddo says, we’ve begun a discussion in the house which has turned into a bet/poll on who will lay the first egg. Many non-chicken people guesses currently have Blondie the...
  5. WesterBee

    Broken blood feather? Remove?

    I was cleaning the girls coop and hanging out with them when I noticed blood coming from my light Brahma’s rump after she preened. Upon further investigation it appears to be a broken blood feather. It looks awfully painful so I’m wondering if I ought to pull it or try to get it to clot?
  6. WesterBee

    This or That

    In considering adopting from a local chicken friend who is thinning out birds before a big life change, I’m curious what you all think about the two breeds up for grabs and how they might fit into my current flock. The ladies in consideration are an Amber Star and a Partridge Rock. From all my...
  7. WesterBee

    Free Blue Andalusian Pullet in Central Oregon

    This 11 week old pullet is causing problems, feather pecking just one of her other four flock mates. She is a sweet bird, will fall asleep in your arms, albeit skittish and comparable to breed standards but this pecking of my dominant copper needs to be squelched and I’m at my wits end.
  8. WesterBee


    We had our first cold snap last night the the coop got down to 33.4° F so I made sure to do a thorough inspection of each pullet this morning. True to form as the high maintenance bird, Jepta the Blue Andalusian seems to have sustained a bit of what I think is frostbite on her comb. Hoping the...
  9. WesterBee

    Feather eating - dear God please help

    Hey Backyardians, Here I am again with a please help my under experienced brain chicken conundrum. My Blue Andalusian has been plucking feathers from her flock mates for around a month now. It started in the brooder so we moved to the coop/run/full time free range. First I thought “oh it’s a...
  10. WesterBee

    Cockerel or too early to tell?

    I’m getting cockerel vibes from this one, what do you all think?
  11. WesterBee

    Move to the coop?

    My flock of 5 are now 7 weeks old and have spent plenty of time in their run and been exposed to overnight temps in the 40s. This weeks weather calls for 33°-40° lows at night. Will they be ok to move outside full time in an uninsulated shed coop? Should I keep herding them to their home base of...
  12. WesterBee

    Tiny Jepta Strikes Again

    Hey BYC, Here I am again posting about my smallest gal Jepta. What a Wiley one she is! We had previously gone through a bullying period with her which I thought was resolved but the last few days she’s been back at it. She is not making any of the others bleed but plucking feathers and eating...
  13. WesterBee

    Who do we have here?

    Hey Chicken Friends! :frow I’m trying to figure out who’s who with my two gray pullets. My friend got these littles for me from our local farm store and I told her to just get me a variety she thought would be good for a first time chicken mama as she has owned many a flock in our climate and I...
  14. WesterBee

    It all happens at once - the first wound

    Hanging out with the girls tonight, watching Jepta for sickness concerns (see other post) I’ve seen her be quite the bully and now have noticed my Light Brahma, Blondie has this wound under her wing. I treated with Microcyn horse/cat/bunny/dog because it’s all I had (leftover from when our...
  15. WesterBee

    Sick chick?

    Hey BYC! This is my first post as a new chicken ma, though I’ve been perusing and learning through y’all for a bit now. My babies are 4 weeks yesterday (mixed flock) and just this morning Jepta has started seeming tired/lethargic in comparison to the other pullets. She does stil have bursts of...
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