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  1. GrimApatheia

    Lost two of my lady buttons, what can I do for the last?

    As the title says, I unfortunately lost two out of three of my female button quail last night in a freak accident. I'm still really upset about it all as I hatched them out. The rest I have are 4 males, and I know that even one would probably harass her if put together. For right now I'm letting...
  2. GrimApatheia

    What color are my buttons?!

    Here they are all grown up!! So far most of these lil guys are wild-type males, but I have a few that I’m not sure on. Here are two of my favorite buttons from my first clutch. The first one is one of my two females, I have another like her but he’s a bit darker. I haven’t seen anything exactly...
  3. GrimApatheia

    Too many boys! Losing feathers

    Hi all Still quite new to keeping quail, this is my first summer. I have about 20 coturnix outside. I hatched them from eggs, so the male to female ratio is more than likely off. And yes I know this is my fault. So far the boys haven’t been too bad, until today when I went out and many of the...
  4. GrimApatheia

    Quail calling at 1:50 AM???

    I currently have about 20 coturnix outside, they’ve been out there since mid-late winter and have done fine so far. Now that it’s warming up the males have started calling more. I noticed a few days ago that one or more of them has been calling quite frequently, even at dusk when it starts to...
  5. GrimApatheia

    Play sand safe for quail?

    Hi, I have some adult button quail that are currently indoors, as well as some coturnix outdoors. I've recently purchased a 50lb bag of plain play sand for one of my aquariums and have some leftover. It's a bit dusty and fine. Will this be safe to use as bedding or in dust baths for either...
  6. GrimApatheia

    Button runt with an overbite, anything I can do?

    Hi all, the buttons are just under 2 1/2 weeks old I believe, and everyone is doing well except this one. The poor things always been super small, and has a bit of an overbite that I’ve kept a close eye on. It’s about 12-13 grams while the largest is 28, second smallest is 23. :( Is there...
  7. GrimApatheia

    Button chicks eating bedding?!

    Hi all, the title says it all. My button babies are about 4-5 days old. I started them out on paper towels and shelf liner, then gave them some kaytee carefresh paper bedding (the natural brown kind). They love it, the only thing is.. They’re eating it!!! Not in heaps, just a few pieces so I’ve...
  8. GrimApatheia

    Button quail colors! What are these chicks?

    Hi all, Just hatched out my first button quail clutch, 8 out of 15 shipped eggs hatched and everything is going very smoothly so far! All I want to know is what colors do y’all think they are? I think the light greyish one is a silver, maybe one or two pearls or wilds, but I’m still not sure...
  9. GrimApatheia

    Button quail eggs in the mail

    Hi all, super quick question I’ve raised Coturnix from shipped eggs before and I’m going to try my hand at buttons/king quail. The eggs just came in and they are a little chilly to the touch, but I know with the coturnix eggs they had to sit at room temp for 24hrs. Is it going to be the same...
  10. GrimApatheia

    California valley quail? Where, what, how?

    Hi all, Purely out of curiosity I’m looking at California valley quail, maybe as a distant future project. Does anyone know a decent place to get eggs for them? Websites, specific sellers? Also, can they be mixed with coturnix?
  11. GrimApatheia

    What color are my quail?!

    Hi all! So far the babies are great, even the chick with splay legs (a little small but growing!). They’re all just about ready to go out once it warms up just a touch, and everyone is fluffy! Now my dilemma is- What color are they?! I got the variety mix from Myshire, and I know a few for sure...
  12. GrimApatheia

    It is broken? First clutch, second problem!

    So recently I have hatched my first clutch of quail, first time owning poultry. Everything is going great, other than having one splay legged chick who other than being a bit of a runt, is doing alright. Checking on the babies today, I noticed one of the older chicks squatting down and not...
  13. GrimApatheia

    Baby quail with leg issues!

    Hi all! Again, still new and not sure where to post this, but I’ve just hatched out 22 lovely little coturnix babies with more possibly to come. The hatch rate has been lovely (out of the 30, minus one that cracked in shipping), and only one little chick has had issues. The little one pipped and...
  14. GrimApatheia

    Million dollar question- What breed is right for me?!

    Hi all, Very new to the forum so please forgive me if I make any errors, and I understand that this is one of the biggest questions when it comes to backyard chickens, but I want to do things as right as I can get. Recently I have started keeping coturnix, and have just hatched my first batch...
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