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  • Users: GnarBite
  • Content: Threads
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  1. GnarBite

    Swelling Around Eye with discharge

    Hi I noticed last night my 20 week old has swelling around one eye with white foam and bubbles. I was reading the other posts but I didn’t come across one with the foam/bubbles. I looked for mites and didn’t see anything. She is acting fine doing normal chicken things. She has been the only one...
  2. GnarBite

    Roosting in the run instead of roosting in the coop

    Hello The last few nights my 18 week old chickens are staying on the roosting bars in the run instead of going into their coop at night. Is this normal behavior? They were going in the coop before. I was thinking the days are getting shorter and they are getting caught on there because it...
  3. GnarBite

    Foot Issue?

    Hello Can someone please tell me if there is an issue with one of my Olive Eggers feet? I have two of them, about 4 weeks old, and only one has this. It seems the feathers are growing out of the feet. Not sure but it may bother her. I tried lightly pulling on it and she didn’t like that...
  4. GnarBite

    Recommendation for hemp bedding

    Hello Can anyone recommend a brand for your hemp bedding? I guess I’m looking for a good price quality and good quantity if that is even possible. Been searching the web and there’s tons out there and find some expensive. There are weed shops all over where I live in Maine so I was thinking...
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