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  1. Mary Coleman

    Missing Chicken Found Under A Bucket and is VERY SICK. PLEASE HELP

    One of my Banty hens has been missing for several days now and I just found her today trapped under a bucket. When I first found her she could still walk a little and ate quite a bit but she would not drink anything. Later this afternoon her health has gotten far worse and I noticed that she's...
  2. Mary Coleman

    My Tom Attacked Me Today.

    I have three bourbon red turkeys, one male and two females, about a year old and today my tom just decided to attack me. I was wearing an American sweat shirt with red white and blue. Having heard that these colors are known to tick off toms, I decided to go back inside and put on a camoflouge...
  3. Mary Coleman

    My geese have started eating my chicken eggs! How do I stop them?

    I can try and get the nest boxes off the ground. I dont know why I didnt think of that before *duh* :rolleyes: As far as geese go, is it a common thing for them to eat chicken eggs? And its only chicken eggs. They never eat their own eggs...
  4. Mary Coleman

    My geese have started eating my chicken eggs! How do I stop them?

    My hens began laying about a month ago and we were getting about three eggs a day then suddenly we weren't getting any eggs at all. I placed an egg in the middle of the coop as a test and waited. Eventually my geese came wobbling along and start chowing down on the egg! Since then I've caught...
  5. Mary Coleman

    Geese come out of coop covered in feces

    So I've got four embden geese that are about nine months old and they've got a big coop that they share with chickens and turkeys. I lock them in every night and nearly every morning they come out just honking and seeming as happy as can be, but they've usually got big poop stains all over their...
  6. Mary Coleman

    Can I feed my flock game bird feed?

    I have a mixed flock consisting of geese, chickens, and turkeys and am currently feeding 16% layer crumbles mixed with 18% all flock pellets. I was wondering if I could drop the layer crumbles and replace them with higher protein gamebird feed because I've heard that the extra calcium in the...
  7. Mary Coleman

    Hen nearly beat to death

    I've just been using Vaseline for the past few days and she seems to be recovering. I still keep her in a cage for most of the day, but I let her out for a little while just to let her stretch, dust bathe, mingle with the flock a little, ect... I think she's liking this "special treatment"...
  8. Mary Coleman

    Hen nearly beat to death

    I've got er nice and cozy in a cage inside with food, water, and a heat lamp. I have her a bath then dried her the best I could. I then put some hydrocortisone and Vaseline all over her back where the feathers were gone. It's so sad, there are literally no feathers from the base of her tail all...
  9. Mary Coleman

    Hen nearly beat to death

    Well I'm home now and she seems fine (eating, drinking, pacing back and forth in the cage...) I just am worried that the others will pick on her. I'm not sure who did it, but while they were out before I separated her, my turkey was harassing her.
  10. Mary Coleman

    Hen nearly beat to death

    I went out this morning to let out my birds. I have 11 chickens 4 geese and 4 turkeys and I found one of my Cochin hens huddled in a corner with all of her feathers on her back gone and her back covered in blood. I have her isolated in a small pen with food and water. It was the best I could do...
  11. Mary Coleman

    Is my turkey being aggressive or just friendly?

    Yah. Today I walked outside to find one of my turkeys (the one who has been acting wierd) on the roof of my house. He saw me and began making that wierd noise and hopped down and fluffed up at me. I give him some wheat to see if he'd stop. Well he did stop while he was eating, but then he went...
  12. Mary Coleman

    Is my turkey being aggressive or just friendly?

    Hey y'all, So I have four bourbon red turkeys that are about four months old. No idea if they're males or females, but one of mine has started to act a little wierd. Every time I go out to see the birds, he runs up to me all excited but then he puffs up and makes this wierd "buckweeeet"...
  13. Mary Coleman

    How to sex 7 ish week old turkeys.

    I've got 4 bourbon red turkeys that are about 6-7 weeks old I would guess. How can I determine if they're boys or girls? I have pictures if that would help.
  14. Mary Coleman

    Please help. Did my embryo die?

    Well, Gary is no longer a lone goose! These two just hatched today and one more on the way (hopefully). This time I decided to give the eggs to one of my broody Cochin hens and the results were FAR better than my last attempt. I felt a little bad about taking away my hens babies, but I think...
  15. Mary Coleman

    Sexing Embden Gosling?

    Now that I look at the two goslings, it's not as yellow as embdens, but not as dark as the Canadian. I think y'all might be right. His beaks not bright pink like the embdens but not black like the Canadian. This is so wierd!
  16. Mary Coleman

    Sexing Embden Gosling?

    I suppose it is possible... The embdens are giant I can't imagine that a tiny Canadian could mate with a giant embden, but you never know. That would look really cool though! I guess we'll have to wait and see, but looks like a male?
  17. Mary Coleman

    Sexing Embden Gosling?

    A cross breed? That's odd. My neighbor gave me the egg an she only has white embdens... How can you tell if it's a male just by looking at it? That's pretty cool.
  18. Mary Coleman

    Please help. Did my embryo die?

    It kinda looks to me like a big vein maybe...
  19. Mary Coleman

    Sexing Embden Gosling?

    I have a day old embden gosling and I don't know if it's a boy or girl. I hear that you can tell by the gray on their back. Can anybody tell me what I've got? Or are there any other methods?
  20. Mary Coleman

    Day three and goose isn't out of the egg yet...?

    Oh my gosh they're adorable. Yah I would definitely keep te male away if he's showing aggression.
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