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  1. naomijm

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    Take her to the vet. She can get an X-ray that way you know if you If she has any of that egg left in her. I had a chicken with the same issue and she did have a prolapse, but they actually make a medication for parrots that she can take and it will make it so that she doesn’t lay an egg for...
  2. naomijm

    Cure for chickens with stuffy, runny, noses?

    My girls are starting to have the occasional drip as well. It’s getting cold here now. I had this happen for the past couple of years in the fall. I think it’s just a change in the weather. I usually put something menthol based for chickens under their wings and they are fine.
  3. naomijm


    Try keeping less animals then guy! The post was about helping a persons injured chicken not your personal life story.
  4. naomijm


    First I want to say that Chickens are not unbelievably stupid at least mine are not. They feel pain just like everything else so if my girls are injured they are going to my vet sometimes they don’t make it but I feel a lot better knowing that I tried and did not just leave them to there...
  5. naomijm

    Salmon Faverolle never laid eggs

    No it doesn’t matter she is a sweetie. Thanks for your response.
  6. naomijm


    If you think she is injured I would take her to the vet. They can X-ray her to make sure nothing is broken.
  7. naomijm

    Salmon Faverolle never laid eggs

    Hi, No she has never crowed I do have a pic
  8. naomijm

    Salmon Faverolle never laid eggs

    Hi everybody, I have a Salmon Faverolle she is the sweetest girl but she is approaching 3 years old and has never laid an egg as far as I can tell. I have never seen her in a nest box and have never found any eggs around the yard. Has anyone else has this problem??:D
  9. naomijm

    Please help! One chick sleeping more and not standing much - worried!

    I picked up 3 chicks from a neighbor yesterday and they were all very active. Today the blue cochin is laying around a lot more and I have not seen her eat very much if anything today. She did poop but it was hardly anything. The 2 bantam chick are very active. I am worried should I try the...
  10. naomijm


    What kind of yogurt are you giving them?
  11. naomijm

    nest box

    Hi, I was wondering if I should block access to the nest boxes until my chicks are ready to start laying. I do not want them to start sleeping in them or is that even a concern. I am a newbie chicken owner and I just want to get them off to a good behavioral start. Any advice will be greatly...
  12. naomijm

    Feeder and Waterer Height

    Thanks so much for the information. I was not sure when I purchased my chick combo I never thought about their size difference. I thought that I may have to buy separate feeders and waterers. Thanks again for your help!
  13. naomijm

    Feeder and Waterer Height

    I am hoping someone could help me figure out what height I should hang my feeder and waterer. I am getting standard and bantam chickens so I am not sure. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  14. naomijm

    Hello from Delaware

    Hello everyone, I am just starting out and I am so excited to be getting my first chicks in April. I have spent hours reading up on them who knew that are so complex. I have already purchased seeds to plant special for them as well as the only 2 toys that I could find. Out of all the info...
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