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  • Users: HCB
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  1. H

    culling chicks...

    Well, I meant to do the best for the animal. After reading your post I'm re-thinking my approach. However, I wonder if it's easier (less painless) to suffocate versus being beheaded. That's probably a great, nasty can of worms. The French, I believe, invented the guillotine. I think there's...
  2. H

    culling chicks...

    This thread is old, I know. But today I had occasion to kill a fresh-hatched chick and wanted to pass along information I had gained and, instead of posting another thread, I thought I'd search and append to one which was on point. This thread was on point. Please read the information that...
  3. H

    Building a new flock

    I'm no expert. These are my thoughts and feelings with only about 3 months of experience and around 127 hatched eggs. Hatching the chicks in the incubator with an egg turner is a bit iffy; you raise a good point about the babies getting harmed by the motion of the turner. I have a Hova-bator...
  4. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    This is that rooster which I'm not sure exactly what breed it is. I don't think it's a cross (the guy I got him from was raising two breeds; one Buff Orpingtons, the other I thought were Barred Rocks). He's a big sucker (the rooster, not the guy), and he likes the hens (the rooster, again)...
  5. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    I love it! Yes, it sure could have been. But I was sooo looking forward to making some serious coin in the first second of the year. :) --HC
  6. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    I found a screenshot I'd taken of the massively-priced thermo controller to text to my wife from back when I was looking to buy them initially. It was on the Wal-mart website (not to be found there today, though). Save money, live better. And a penny saved is a penny earned. So, you can buy...
  7. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    I found a pic I took and texted to my wife of the massively-priced thermo controller. As CaveManRich commented, perhaps it was for a lot of 1,000. However, I don't recall seeing that it was for a lot of any quantity other than 1, but I could be wrong (I'm not perfect, I do make mistakes; don't...
  8. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    Thanks for the reply. I talked to a guy I have had an occasion to bump in to around town. He claims he's hatched thousands of eggs (not hard when he has a 1,200 egg cabinet and I saw the pics he posted online to sell it), and that people only come out to buy easter eggers and Black...
  9. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    Thanks for the reply. Hopefully more than a hobby...I'd like to maybe make a little cash, now and again; these suckers put the food away. :-/ But fun anyway. I'm familiar with the rough service bulbs but I wonder if they would last longer because I think their selling point is having the...
  10. H

    After 10 weeks and 100 hatched birds, my take on incubating.

    Hello, All. I'm new to the incubating thing and after 2 and half months of doing it I learned some stuff and I thought I'd write about it in case it's helpful to others. I don't know everything and do not intend to come across like I do. I also know there are many ways to do things and this...
  11. H

    Building a new flock

    I found a link on here regarding determining if your eggs are fertilized. It will require opening a few. Once you've opened a few and found that they are fertilized you can safely gamble that they're all fertilized and set them without too much concern. They won't all be fertilized but it's...
  12. H

    PVC fitting: please identify

    I am on my phone, please forgive my brief response. I agree re radius. However, I short-threaded the holes so I'm hoping the tight fit will seal. I may be optimistic. We'll see.
  13. H

    PVC fitting: please identify

    While visiting my mother in Massachusetts with my son, our house in Texas burned down. My wife was at work. Two cats, including my 6 year-old son's beloved pet, died. Our big cabinet incubator (new) with only about 30 eggs (some pipping) were destroyed. It sucks. We've been busy. Anyway...
  14. H

    Teaching Chickens to Drink from Nipple Waterer

    I know this a few months back... That said, is it possible the nipple watering system got contaminated? Some change in the water source? Maybe some bacteria have started to grow in the system? For my goats and sheep, the recommendation was 2 tbsp (tablespoons, not teaspoons) for 50 gallons...
  15. H

    Building a new flock

    The first thing is to know that after 7 days at incubation temperature, the eggs will probably be unfit to eat. I think it's a "go", "no-go" kind of thing. If they aren't "veined" after 7 days, toss them. Next, the heat lamp could work but understand that if you don't have a way to move the...
  16. H

    PVC fitting: please identify

    Thank you. That helped. This looks larger than the one I found from 30 years ago but will work. When I get home I will try to remember to post a pic of the old one. --HC
  17. H

    Building a new flock

    1) Having roosters, 2) seeing roosters mate females, 3) heating the eggs to about 99.5F for 7-8 days will cause veining in vertilized eggs. 4) (with little experience) there seems to be a small ghost dot on the yolks of eggs which I believe have been fertilized (I've hatched about 60+ now...
  18. H

    What BREED????????

    Looks like a flavor or derivative of blue Americauna. Not precise, I know, but looks like an Albino version of a couple I have. FWIW. :-/ --HC
  19. H

    PVC fitting: please identify

    Yes. I'm sorry. I'm in MA visiting for the holidays and my sole piece is in TX. :( I thought about that the whole time I wrote the post. Lemme see if I can rectify that.... That's not the exact thing I'm looking for (obviously). What I have back home is a TEE to fit on 1/2 inch PVC and...
  20. H

    PVC fitting: please identify

    Hello, all. About 35 years ago my family raised rabbits in a barn. The cages had nipple waterers along a PVC pipe. I was 8-10 years old during those years, so I wasn't paying real close attention; but they were nipple waterers in PVC. Fast forward to present day; the "rabbit barn" has been...
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