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  1. Myrshine

    Swollen eyes and face

    Any sneezing or coughing? Or any nasal or eye discharge from her?
  2. Myrshine

    Lethargic wheezing hen

    Is she thin or feel light? Does she have any other respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or nasal or eye discharge?
  3. Myrshine

    Consuming eggs and meat of ill quail

    I wouldn’t consume a sick animal. Most diseases in poultry can’t affect humans through their meat or eggs, but it could be a mixture of several severe bacterial diseases or parasites causing the diarrhea.
  4. Myrshine

    Very large swollen Guinea toe, no limping

    Is there a chance that something could’ve gotten caught around your Guinea’s toe at some point and the tip of the toe could’ve fallen off?
  5. Myrshine

    Breathing heavy, not looking please help

    If you’ve have possible MG in the past, that’s likely the culprit of your bird’s illness. MG is a lifetime chronic respiratory disease that’ll never go away and your birds will shed it through their feces, feathers, dander, respiratory secretions, and other bodily fluids (such as blood or saliva).
  6. Myrshine

    Noisy breathing

    A video of her breathing would be helpful! Has she been sneezing or coughing? Any nasal or eye discharge? Swelling of the eyes or face?
  7. Myrshine

    My Rooster's feet look horrible. Please advise.

    I agree with it being Scaley Leg Mites. If he’s been around the rest of the flock, you may need to watch everyone else to make sure it hasn’t spread. I would also recommend cleaning out the coop thoroughly and spray it down with an insecticide that’s safe for chickens.
  8. Myrshine

    Respiratory infection

    Depending on which disease is causing their symptoms, most respiratory infections in poultry aren’t curable, but are treatable with antibiotics for when symptoms show up. It sounds like it could be Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG) or Infectious Coryza as those are the most common respiratory...
  9. Myrshine

    9wk cream legbar wheezing and gasping

    Have you checked inside her mouth for any lesions or blockages? I think I agree with @Eggcessive about your bird being exposed to Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG) or another respiratory disease such as Infectious Coryza. What type of bedding are you using currently?
  10. Myrshine

    Does anyone know what is happening to my chicken's eye?

    It almost looks like she got injured or something there. It’s still possible for it to be something respiratory related, but the swelling is in an odd shape. Could she have been bitten by a snake or some sort of bug by chance?
  11. Myrshine

    suspect Marek's, confirmation sought

    Looks normal to me.. maybe it’s the lighting? Ocular Marek’s Disease is a slow and progressive ocular disease, causing tumors to grow and destroy their eye sight. It’s not fatal.
  12. Myrshine

    Hen is having a hard time eating

    Are you able to record a video? That would help a lot. Also, so you think something may have been damaged from when she was attacked?
  13. Myrshine

    Greenish poop? Normal?

    Looks healthy and normal to me!
  14. Myrshine

    Bald near vent and brown squishy poop

    Her poop looks normal to me. Looks like a cecal poop. As for her backend, could another flock member be picking on her? Other causes of this can be molting or Ascities Syndrome.
  15. Myrshine

    Hen Making Strange Noises

    Sounds like she may have something inside her nose causing the noise. Or her respiratory tract is irritated by something and it’s causing the squeaky noise you’re hearing from inflammation.
  16. Myrshine

    What is going on?

    Gapeworm is pretty rare depending on your location. She most likely had an illness, so watch the others she was around for any similar symptoms. Respiratory infections such as Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG), Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS), Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), Infectious Coryza and...
  17. Myrshine

    Help! De-worming & possible Gape worm

    Gapeworm is rare, unless you’re in the tropical states or area. DE can also cause respiratory irritation, distress or respiratory failure, so I recommend that you stop using it. Otherwise, respiratory infections such as Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG), Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS), Infectious Coryza...
  18. Myrshine

    Help! yellow bubbley poop from my pullet!

    Yellow, brownish-tan and foamy poop can indicate a possible Coccidiosis infection, intestinal worms, Blackhead Disease or it can just be a normal cecal poop.
  19. Myrshine


    Hands down, Elector PSP is the best way to control and kill mites and lice. I highly recommend it.
  20. Myrshine

    Bantam hen still gurgles yearly

    Respiratory diseases in poultry are usually lifelong and chronic — meaning that they carry / host it in their bodies forever. So depending on the disease, symptoms will reappear whenever the bird is stressed, causing them to become symptomatic again. Infectious Coryza, Mycoplasma Gallisepticum...
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