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  1. B

    Help I need advice

    I have 5 week all chicks that have been with Momma and the rest of flock. Today I noticed chicks on their own. I have a smaller coop in run and a larger coop. Babies were afraid of Momma today. Obviously separation time. I locked chicks in smaller coop. Now I’m not sure how to handle this...
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    Rats know how to use grandpa feeder now what

    We were just putting out food in feeder bowls and ladies would tip over which of course drew rats. I now have grand feeder. I put a brick to keep trundle open because I have a smaller lady that can’t keep it open. At night I take that brick and put under trundle. it won’t open feeder with brick...
  3. B

    Hen or Roo

    Lacey is their sister! My Buff sat on a large hatch of 10 . 5 hatched lost 1 that night. I know 50/50 is not a rule . But dang I love that happy feet . Hopefully have a broody again this spring. I can’t have Roos. These eggs were from my friend
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    Hen or Roo

    Mohawk and Billy. Bill was a Belle until I know Roo for sure. Mohawk screamed Roo very young
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    Hen or Roo

    Dang Dang Dang This is his brothers Momma hatched 4 I got 1 hen! What happened to 50/50 rule lol
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    Silver Laced Wyandotte Cockerel & Mother Hen

    I have 4 14 week olds hatched by momma. She didn’t stop mothering until about 10 weeks! I ended up with 1 hen . Anyway this guy I knew very early was a Roo so I just called him Momma’s boy. Unfortunately got attached to him but he went to a great family. Momma and Sister are so confused. It’s...
  7. B

    15 week old lavender Orpington - how do I not know if it’s a roo??? I’m usually alright at this game…smh

    I just posted a tough call as well. Tricky because of tail and what appears to be saddle feathers, but they are rounded. I have two others that are clear as day Roo. I’m not expert but she looks hen
  8. B

    Hen or Roo

    Hi there This is Happy Feet 14 weeks old. My hen hatched 4 eggs 1 is definitely Hen 2 definitely Rooster. The 2 Roos would chest bump and are crowing. Happy has many puzzled with different opinions. She (I hope) walks, posture like hen. Absolutely no Roo behaviors. Very little comb (pea) light...
  9. B

    Hen or Roo

    I’m so bummed out! I had a 50/50 hope for the 6 eggs. One never hatched. One hadn’t absorbed belly all the way. Large bubble that popped. 😞. I have this handsome boy who is spoken for and 1 hen . I was so hoping that darker one was hen. I call her/ him happy feet. Makes me smile. The friends...
  10. B

    Hen or Roo

    Hi there, my Polly hatched eggs I had placed under her. I have 4 they are 15 weeks old. Two aren’t pictured here I know what they are. I’m stumped on these two. Any help appreciated
  11. B


    Cleaning poo box under roost bar today and found some kind of worm. Doesn’t seem to match ID of typical worms a chicken would get. Posted a photo in local group and was told any insect could lay in the sand. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and than a lightbulb went off! Could it be maggots...
  12. B

    Help with Corid Wedding shower in am

    Hello I have 6 Hens One just had chicks 2 weeks ago. Mom and chicks have been separated in coop. Separate in smaller coop in run during day. One of the hens has blood in stool. How do I treat as far as mixing powder form Corid? Should I treat tonight? Ugh my Daughters wedding shower is in am Ty
  13. B

    Newborn with red bubble

    If I had a nickel for every time I get rude comments instead of just help! I thought this was a community for flock lovers. Why some people take a jab at others is beyond me
  14. B

    Newborn with red bubble

    My bra wasn’t germs! I had just put it on before going outdoors! Pretty rude comment! You may not put a clean bra on everyday, but when I wear one it’s clean and my body is clean. Smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ Could’ve helped me without that comment
  15. B

    Newborn with red bubble

    Hi I had a broody that’s been sitting on egg. I had one chick on Wednesday which was hatch date. I had a couple more yesterday. This morning I believe Polly Momma got up of hatching baby. It was still wet. Having a bit of problem getting up and going. Polly had four chicks that were busy around...
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    Excuse typos
  17. B


    1st chick visible today! Hatch date was today. Anyway It’s my understanding you can possibly sec a cuckoo madam by white spot on head. J can’t have food where I live. I’ve been eggcited all day until I read up sexing. Do you think Roo of girl
  18. B

    Emergency Broody Hen

    I moved her two weeks ago when Inwas able to get fertilized eggs. She was in nest box I moved her to crate. Candles at 7 days and 13 days . I was old not to touch after 14days Yesterday I had to clean where she took large poo. Didn’t move her or eggs. No it doesn’t appear to be diarrhea! Just...
  19. B

    Emergency Broody Hen

    Please advise My lady has been on eggs expecting to hatch next Thursday. I have her in a large dog crate in coop with everything she needs. Yesterday was the first day she took a large stinky poo. This morning all was fine. Went in now to see if she ate and drank. She was just standing up. She...
  20. B


    Hi there I have 2 ladies that unfortunately have bumble on both feet. I’ve followed instructions and made incision into foot around scab . I removed the scab , but I don’t see any corn. It just looks like flesh. I’m not sure if I need to remove the flesh. I’ve used Prid and neosporin than...
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