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  1. Wonder Quails

    Are my eggs too old?? Hatching storebought duck and quail eggs...

    If a/n egg is stored too long in the freezer(or without), it will have less likely chance of hatching. I've bought mine's when they just came to stock on that exact day. Better luck on quail eggs next time for you!
  2. Wonder Quails

    Are my eggs too old?? Hatching storebought duck and quail eggs...

    @WhistlePig , I think the brand that you bought the quail eggs from are fertilized. I've successfully hatched quail eggs from that brand I think.
  3. Wonder Quails

    Triple yolk egg?

    I'm excited to see what happens! My Chicken also had a 3-yolk egg, but I couldn't find the pic of it. It's really rare so congrats!
  4. Wonder Quails

    External pip for 24 hours

    Leave it for a few more hours, then if showing no progress, then it's time to intervene.
  5. Wonder Quails

    Homemade Incubator Quail Eggs Hatch-A-Long(Feb 2023)

    I just used hot water bottles+ a box and it worked the last time I did it! Not sure of my luck this time :( I will try to take pictures but it's so dark the pics look wonky
  6. Wonder Quails

    Homemade Incubator Quail Eggs Hatch-A-Long(Feb 2023)

    Hello! I´ve recently made an homemade incubator using hot water bottles, and I´m hoping to hatch some quail eggs with it! I do not have my hopes high, but still curious. As a double bonus, the eggs are from the super market. However, the supermarket eggs ARE fertile(I have tested it). Day 0: I...
  7. Wonder Quails

    Bra incubation

    Yep it did!
  8. Wonder Quails

    Bra incubation

    Good Luck @WafflesCoop !! I've done this several times, but on my wrist. Kinda wierd on my wrist though :oops:
  9. Wonder Quails

    Last hatch had a failed chick

    Like other people said, temps and humidity affects hatch rate greatly. Make sure the egg is in the proper conditions! Also, I usually only get like 2 thirds of my eggs hatch, so it's totally normal!
  10. Wonder Quails

    Day 60 of incubation (Emus)

    @Sbrown17 ,Do not be anxious yet, wait for a bit and leave the incubator alone :) If there is still wiggles, they are alive. Have you checked for internal/external pips yet? (Not sure what you mean by "peeps")
  11. Wonder Quails

    Merry Super Late Christmas @SilverBirds !!

    Merry Super Late Christmas @SilverBirds !!
  12. Wonder Quails

    Why can't they be the same color >.<

    Yes sorry! I forgot about that other thread 😅
  13. Wonder Quails

    Why can't they be the same color >.<

    I'm candling my quail eggs, but some are greenish inside and some are yellowish. Does that affect the hatching? Does yellowish mean fertile and greenish mean unfertile? The eggs are on day 1.
  14. Wonder Quails

    What Should Day 1 Egg Look Like?

    @Kiki , will you see more on day 3?
  15. Wonder Quails

    What Should Day 1 Egg Look Like?

    I'm incubating quail eggs, but I'm still curious if there will be any difference between candling on day 0 vs. day 1? Because I saw that my egg yolk was darker on day 1 than on day 0.
  16. Wonder Quails

    Externally pipped for over 16 hours with no progress

    Yep! As @Kiki said, ducks take longer than 24 hours in my experience. Wait some more and you'll end up with cute ducklings :)
  17. Wonder Quails

    Day 5/6 slow developer

    It doesn't look very late, could just be the color of the shell of the chicken egg. Check again in a few days!
  18. Wonder Quails

    Wondering If This Egg is Viable?

    Hello! :) These aren't my eggs, but I was just taking care of my friends incubator(quail eggs) while she's away for a few weeks. Before you say anything, this is a real incubator, not my homemade ones. When I candled the eggs, they looked fine. However, 3 was concerning. 1 did not develop at...
  19. Wonder Quails

    Are my eggs too old?? Hatching storebought duck and quail eggs...

    Hello @WhistlePig! For Quail eggs, do not give up on them entirely yet! Some quail eggs are near impossible to even try seeing. For example, I had a quail egg that I thought was a dud, but when I opened it I found a live chick. If you don't see the egg getting dark by day 10, probably not...
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