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  1. J

    What's Going On With My Chickens Neck?

    Yes this is the only pic I have at the moment. We have 3 places for them to roost, toys, sand baths, plenty of food and water for 5 chickens. I'm nervous to let them free range for fear a hawk would get them. This run is 9' x 12'. Are there other things we could add to entertain them?
  2. J

    What's Going On With My Chickens Neck?

    Her neck has looked like this for about 6 weeks. We've looked for mites, but we don't see anything.
  3. J

    Chicken Question

    Is it fine that she's just standing there like this? She seems like she's in shock or something.
  4. J

    Chicken Question

    Our chicken just laid an egg in our run, my husband said she either had just laid it or she was sitting on it. He said the egg was totally soft, shell less, almost like a membrane. When she stood up the other chickens immediately ate it. Now she's just standing like this. Usually she'd be...
  5. J

    Is this color pack a roo?

    Oh sorry! They are 3 months old.
  6. J

    Is this color pack a roo?

    The long tail feathers are making me think rooster...thanks for your help.
  7. J

    Introducing New Chickens

    Good morning! We have 2 new girls we're introducing to our older easter eggers and I'm not sure how to proceed. The new girls are 8 weeks old and the older girls are 5 months. We have the young girls in their own little area with their own food/water/"coop" with a doorway where they can go...
  8. J

    Sexing Color Pack Chick

    Thank you 😩 I have no idea what happened! She seemed perfectly fine, I left for work, came home and she had passed. The living sister was beside herself and didn't want me to put her down.
  9. J

    Sexing Color Pack Chick

    We're in the Puget sound area so we're probably good to go! Thanks!
  10. J

    Sexing Color Pack Chick

    Thanks! It's from Wilco. I actually bought it because my other lavender Orpington I bought died unexpectedly and I panic bought the oldest chick Wilco had so they'd be close in age!
  11. J

    Sexing Color Pack Chick

    Oh sorry! About 5 weeks!
  12. J

    Sexing Color Pack Chick

    Can anyone give their opinion on whether they think this color pack chick is a pullet or not? Their comb seems large, their tail is stumpy and they're a little aggressive. Thanks for your input!
  13. J

    Baby Chick Issue

    Here's a video, it doesn't have sound. In this one I picked up the other chick and she's screaming/searching for her and then I put it back. Here's another of the chick constantly harassing the little one.
  14. J

    Baby Chick Issue

    They're both eating and drinking plenty. The 2 week old chick will not leave the little chick alone, it follows her everywhere. If the 5 day old chick goes under the brooder and the 2 week old can't find it, she starts screaming...if I separate them the 2 week old chick paces back and forth in a...
  15. J

    Baby Chick Issue

    I explained to them what had happened.
  16. J

    Baby Chick Issue

    I just tried sectioning it off so they could still see eachother and the lavender was totally freaking out. Pacing back and forth, chirping constantly, shaking...
  17. J

    Baby Chick Issue

    I can't really section it off because I only have one brooder plate. I introduced the new chick by putting her into the brooder with the other chick and I watched them for like an hour and a half. They seemed fine at first, and seemed great yesterday/most of today. The picking of the feathers...
  18. J

    Baby Chick Issue

    We bought 2 lavender orpington to join our flock that were born 4/6. They were in a pack and play with a brooder plate, clean shavings, plenty of food and water...and yesterday I discovered one of them dead when I got home. I think she just spontaneously died and I'm not sure why, she was...
  19. J

    Merging Flocks

    I was thinking of obviously keeping the new chicks inside for a week or two, bringing them outside during the day while supervised in their own area where everyone can see each other, and then when the sapphire chicks are older letting them all free range together and see what happens?
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