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  1. bootherooster

    Necrotic tissue??

    Sorry for such a late response but he's recovering well! No sign of flystrike and I have cleaned him from the mites. Thank you everyone!!
  2. bootherooster

    Necrotic tissue??

    Okay, thank you so much!!
  3. bootherooster

    Necrotic tissue??

    Thank you for responding! I'll be sure to look into the white spot thing. There are no other roosters near him. I'm currently treating him for mites too! Should I apply the gentian violet everyday? Or every other day?
  4. bootherooster

    Necrotic tissue??

    Great thank you! Would gentian violet work in place of chlorhexidine? It's antispetic and I have it on hand
  5. bootherooster

    Necrotic tissue??

    Hello my 1 year old bantam rooster had a nasty mite infection which left him with what seems like dead skin surrounding his vent. Any recommendations on how to treat and clean it? Thank you!
  6. bootherooster

    Prolapse Vent

    Would this calcium be good? She's quite small probably around a pound so how much of the tablet should I give her? Like 1/2 or 1/3 daily. Thank you
  7. bootherooster

    Prolapse Vent

    Hello my 1½ bantam hen has a prolapsed vent. I can get the vent in, however when she poops it goes out. Any treatment options out there? Thank you
  8. bootherooster

    Purple Comb on Broody Hen

    40 degrees fahrenheit at night^
  9. bootherooster

    Purple Comb on Broody Hen

    Thank you for replying! It is late for a picture but I have chosen to break up her broodiness. It usually gets 40 degrees fahrenheit where I live. However, my chicken's coop is very insulated which raises the temperature to 50ish degrees. I'll let her hatch out babies next spring 🌼
  10. bootherooster

    Purple Comb on Broody Hen

    Hello everyone! I have a small 1 year old bantam chicken that recently went broody. However, I noticed that her comb and wattles are purple. I checked for mites and she's clear. She's also breathing well and acting like her normal self. I think she may be dehydrated but everytime I offer her...
  11. bootherooster

    Sick chick?

    Thank you! I have save-a-chick electrolytes so I'll try that. Poor mom is in distress because the chick isn't listening to her :(
  12. bootherooster

    Sick chick?

    Hello everyone, I have a 1 yrd bantam hen who recently went broody and hatched a chick. Out of the 6 eggs only 1 hatched. However, I noticed the chick seems to be off. Whenever Mom tries to encourage it to eat, it just stands there like zoning out and begins to cry. Then the mom begins following...
  13. bootherooster

    Egg bound bantam??

    Good news! She layed a slightly soft shell egg. Last night I also tried putting olive oil on her vent and it seems like it really helped her! I'll continue giving her electrolytes and extra calcium. Thank you for replying guys!
  14. bootherooster

    Egg bound bantam??

    Thank you for replying! I don't have any photos of her poop and I can't take some currently since it's night time where I live. Her poop is normal brown with a little bit of white. I've been researching online and believe that she might've layed internally as well. Are there any treatments you'd...
  15. bootherooster

    Egg bound bantam??

    Hello everyone, I have a 3yrd bantam hen who seems to be displaying egg bound symptoms? However, I've felt her vent area and do not feel an egg, nor do I see her pushing. Symptoms: tail down, puffed out, pale comb, swollen vent area. I bathed her in warm water and have given her a calcium boost...
  16. bootherooster

    Wobbly, Weak, Shaky

    Oh it's alright, I found a new more nutritious feed that I ordered online which should come in 2 weeks. Also Morticia is doing a lot better compared to the morning. I've massaged her crop and haven't given her breakfast since her crop hasn't emptied. Regardless, thank you a lot!! Hope you have a...
  17. bootherooster

    Wobbly, Weak, Shaky

    Thank you for replying! Yeah, I've been searching for a better feed but no luck. Are there any brands you'd recommend? I've given her a few messages as well.
  18. bootherooster

    Wobbly, Weak, Shaky

    Her crop didn't empty out fully. Her diet consists of cracked corn, sunflower seeds, grit, grub, leftover vegetation such as tomatos and banana and a few other seeds.
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