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  1. murielmarie

    Post prolapse help!

    She’s still pretty off. Her comb is red, she’s eating/drinking, alert…she seems to struggle to poop but then I did a soak and eposm salt enema and she had normal poops after for maybe a day and now we are back to not normal poops and constant contracting of the vent. As of this morning I felt...
  2. murielmarie

    Stuck egg in vent, causing prolapse. Now trouble passing poop.

    And just a large syringe and flush it in there?
  3. murielmarie

    Post prolapse help!

    Not sure if my response triggered since I didn’t respond to this actual post! I did below if you can see? I just coated some lettuce in tums for her
  4. murielmarie

    Post prolapse help!

    Hello, So I have made sure she has calcium (tums) as well as oyster shells. This morning when I soaked her, I got some poo out (just a bit) and she has only pooped minimal and very “mucusy” it seems since. She is puffed up and uncomfortable but also eating and drinking . I cannot feel an...
  5. murielmarie

    Post prolapse help!

    Hi everyone, my Big Mama ( almost 2 year old jersey giant) had her first prolapse on Monday. I was able to get the prolapse back in. Now, so a few days later, she is penguined and seeming to struggle to poo? Her vent is constantly contracting and I am unsure how to help her. When she prolapsed...
  6. murielmarie

    Stuck egg in vent, causing prolapse. Now trouble passing poop.

    I think this is exactly what my hen is currently experiencing! Her prolapse is staying in but she is struggling to poo it seems. I seperated her and started her on Tylan in case she had an infection from the egg since she did have a soft shell I had to pull out (no yoke) How is your hen?
  7. murielmarie

    Hen has prolapse and poop does not come out of vent opening.

    How did your hen do? This is seeming to be what my hen is currently going through after her first prolapse
  8. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Thank you so much. Mohawk is still doing good, she’s angry because since the predator attack I’m not letting them free range right now, which I normally do. I do very much believe they are happiest free ranging so I always want to provide that but until I am able to discard of this predator...
  9. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    You have been an absolute savior thru this. Today has been awful as 2 of my ducks were taken by a predator. 1 is gone and 1 is in critical condition, still fighting. Mohawk is actually seeming a lot more active as the day has progressed and seems to be on the mend. I plan to vetrx her again...
  10. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Oh that would be wonderful. Thank you ❤️
  11. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    I wanted to give an update - her eye is no longer shut this morning! However she still is not herself as she isn’t wanting to walk around and really just wants to stand/roost. I have her roosting right now and I applied the vetRx to her head/comb/wattle/eyes/nose and under wings and will reapply...
  12. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Thank you so much! I most certainly will let you know how she is doing ☺️
  13. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Thank you so much for the words. I think you may be giving me a bit more credit than I deserve as I am always feeling like I missed something but I am very observant! She is an extremely healthy girl and the only sign of issue is her eye staying closed (which I can’t even really say is swollen...
  14. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Hello! Thank you so much for the reply. She isn’t messing with the eye at all. There are no bubbles or anything either. I was completely convinced it was an injury until I saw how lethargic she was 😔 and of course, I leave this afternoon for a wedding and won’t be back till AM but luckily I...
  15. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Hello! Thank you for replying! So no bubbles, mouth breathing a little but it was only when I was holding her in the house (I think stress). No discharge from eye. Droppings I haven’t noticed hers particular but someone does have almost a diarrhea like droppings and it was near her. Can’t be...
  16. murielmarie

    Swollen Eye!!!

    Good morning all, My girl, Mohawk, wouldn’t get off her roost this morning and when I took her down I noticed her one eye was closed and slightly swollen. It almost seems like she perhaps got pecked there. I took her inside and did a warm compress then did a light Vetricyn spray mist as best...
  17. murielmarie

    Trumpet Vines!

    Thank you! I just joined the group so I am still learning about the site! Thank you so much!!!
  18. murielmarie

    Topic of the Week - Dogs and Chickens

    I have a Siberian and a German shep and they both have EXTREMELY high prey drive. Yet, they let the chickens peck and walk all over them without a worry! Ours were off leash trained, with an electric collar (no negative comments as this is strictly for knowledge - I am aware of how controversial...
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