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  1. newtsdaisies

    1 y/o Hen is lethargic, swollen, & has purple comb, please help!

    Thank you T_T It was a hard one. This is the first chicken we've lost and she had such a personality and I miss her dearly.
  2. newtsdaisies

    1 y/o Hen is lethargic, swollen, & has purple comb, please help!

    Before suddenly being lethargic on Thursday, no. She was just as active as the other girls and even laid an egg the day before and was acting completely normal. Unfortunately, she passed away Friday evening.
  3. newtsdaisies

    1 y/o Hen is lethargic, swollen, & has purple comb, please help!

    UPDATE: We got a 16 gauge 1" needle to drain the excess fluid. What came out looked very much like egg yolk (picture inserted) and that's as much that came out before stopping draining on its own. Her comb has gained some color back but I'm puzzled about the substance and don't know what to do...
  4. newtsdaisies

    1 y/o Hen is lethargic, swollen, & has purple comb, please help!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Barred Rock Hen / 1 year old / chicken is swollen and puffy 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargic, water coming from the mouth, comb turning purple, diarrhea, abdomen severely swollen...
  5. newtsdaisies

    We're on the right track!!!!

    The best kind of babies in my opinion!!!!! I'm so glad it's a common thing to be so attached to our chickens haha. I know people who don't have them/have never had them give me funny looks!
  6. newtsdaisies

    We're on the right track!!!!

    Definitely! I don't have/want actual children so I just call them my feather babies and my dog my fur baby 🤣
  7. newtsdaisies

    We're on the right track!!!!

    One of my girls (Ducky) laid her first egg yesterday in the run, but she laid an egg today and made it to the nesting box! I'm so excited! It's such an odd feeling because it feels like it's never gonna happen and then it did! This is my first experience ever with chickens and I'm enjoying the...
  8. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    I'm definitely no expert, but I believe I found the answer yesterday! I looked at the hatchery where our TSC gets their chicks from and found out they have Starlight Green Eggers which are a mix of a Prairie Bluebell Egger and a brown egg layer! They have single combs and after looking at a lot...
  9. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    Yes!! They were from the same bin (the bin was supposed to be Rhode island red and barred rock pullets) so I'm assuming she was just an accidental mix-up or an accidental mixed breed?? (can that even happen at hatcheries??) And I noticed her big white earlobes and looked around and saw it was...
  10. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    HAHA Chicken TV! I love that. And thank you so much!
  11. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    Thank you so much! And thank you for the advice too! All is welcome haha. This has been such a fun adventure already! I enjoy just sitting outside in the evenings and watching them!
  12. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    Oh that's good to know too!!! I'll see what our local walmart has! They haven't bothered the golf balls we've had them in there for about a week. She was in the nesting box this morning in and out scratching at the turf we have in there so I think you might be right about she just wasn't...
  13. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    We have a white golf ball in each of the nesting boxes because I read they have the same effect? But if they don't seem to work then I'll definitely get some ceramic or wooden eggs! They're beautiful!!! I read a lot about how the first eggs might be misshapen or look strange so I was not...
  14. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    That's really good to know!!! These are our first chickens so it's as new of an experience to us as it is to them! We went ahead and removed the balls out of the run in any case, so hopefully she'll catch on! It's so funny because originally I wanted Easter Egger's or some sort of colorful...
  15. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    When TSC was having their Chick Days, we purchases what we thought were 2 RIR's and 2 barred rocks (all supposed to be pullets). We have been excitedly awaiting our first egg (they turned 18 weeks yesterday) and it was one of our 'Rhode islands' except she laid a blue/green egg so I guess she's...
  16. newtsdaisies

    Question about Isolation / What to do for Beak Injury

    I've been providing electrolytes and regular water since we brought her in, but she does seem a little sluggish this morning so I'll try giving her some sugar water as well! Thank you! Oh I've definitely been babying her. I've been petting on her and doting on her since she got hurt. She's one...
  17. newtsdaisies

    Question about Isolation / What to do for Beak Injury

    Thank you so much! We got her to roost in isolation last night and when we came to check on her halfway through the night she ate and drink some. This morning it doesn't look like she's been bleeding at all. We have her some mushy food but I will also try giving her an egg!
  18. newtsdaisies

    Question about Isolation / What to do for Beak Injury

    My almost 16 week old Plymouth Barred Rock injured her beak (we aren't sure how as we didn't witness the incident that caused the injury). She chipped off the very tip of the top portion of her beak and it bled a good bit. We finally got the bleeding stopped completely and we have her in...
  19. newtsdaisies

    3 Week Old RIR has clear nasal discharge and is sneezing

    Sorry, I said wrong when I said 85-90 I was stressed rofl. They're staying about 78-80
  20. newtsdaisies

    3 Week Old RIR has clear nasal discharge and is sneezing

    They are all eating medicated chick feed, litter is pine shavings (has been since we brought them home) and their temp stays between 85-90 atm.
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