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  1. GlicksChicks

    What’s up with this frizzle?

    A frizzle mixed with a frizzle can cause problems in some chicks. The same frizzle gene mixed together, even if the chickens are not related, can result in odd feathering and different health problems. "If you breed frizzle chickens together, the offspring are called frazzle chickens. They are...
  2. GlicksChicks

    Rescue - what kind of chicken is it?

    Interesting. That really does sound like it could be a quail. Or a chicken mix with Araucana in it.
  3. GlicksChicks

    What’s up with this frizzle?

    They kind of look like polish frizzles. They are very pretty birds regardless. I don't think that pasty butt messed with the growth. I have had chicks with pasty butt look no different from the others. Some chickens just grow more awkwardly than others, but definitely keep an eye on it. Is it...
  4. GlicksChicks

    Rescue - what kind of chicken is it?

    The chick does not look to have a tail? And it definitely is not a rumpless chicken because those things look... weird. If it does not have a tail, or much of one, it could very likely be a quail.
  5. GlicksChicks

    Rescue - what kind of chicken is it?

    That could be possible, we need a better picture to confirm and see if it is just the angle. You are right though, it does look quail-like but that could just be from it being hunched over because it is scared and not feeling too good.
  6. GlicksChicks

    Tell your favorite chicken breed!

    Thank you! She is a very pretty and very sweet girl! She has been through so much. She lost one sister to a cat and her other one to a freak accident causing it to kill itself. I reallt want another sussex so she isn't the only one I have.
  7. GlicksChicks

    Rescue - what kind of chicken is it?

    I am not good with identifying some breeds. Some I am. This one I cannot tell much from thr picture. You are very kind for taking it in! Seeing things about all the chickens that need help makes me want to start up a chicken rescue. I bet the chick enjoyed that bath! I don't see much of a comb...
  8. GlicksChicks

    Help me figure out the breed and whether or not it’s a hen or roo?

    It is a cockerel. As for the breed, I cannot really say.
  9. GlicksChicks

    Best Age to Sell Roosters?

    Sounds about right. Broody hens like to cause the cutest trouble! (Cute until they grow up)
  10. GlicksChicks

    3 week old chicks from tractor supply

    Frizzle looks like a roo. It has a big comb for a hen that age.
  11. GlicksChicks

    Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?

    I feel the same way! The last time I went to buy chicks, I asked for the only white chicks and the only purple chicks, White Legbars and Lavender Wyandottes. You should've seen them running around and trying to find which one was which. They had to get help and I was sitting there like.. sir...
  12. GlicksChicks

    Best Age to Sell Roosters?

    Some people buy certain breeds of them. Or if they don't want to raise one.
  13. GlicksChicks

    Tell your favorite chicken breed!

    Mine originally was Speckled Sussex because how sweet my SS hen is (Don't worry, she is dust bathing, not dead) Now I am torn between the SS, my Buff Orpingtons, and my White Legbar chicks (I need to get some newer pics of the Legbars)
  14. GlicksChicks

    Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?

    That one is undoubtedly a rooster, nothing hen about that. Makes me worry sometimes about the people who work with the chickens at TSC 😅 Everytime I go there to get chicks I have to talk them through what was what with the chickens and I have never worked there lol.
  15. GlicksChicks

    Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?

    California is roo (very clearly) The barred is a hen. If she was a he, her comb would be much larger than a hen the same age. Chickens have varying colorations, some have more white leakage than others.
  16. GlicksChicks

    Tell me this isn't a roo and what breed

    Definitely pullet. At that age the comb would be significantly larger and red.
  17. GlicksChicks

    The Thread of Tomfoolery! 🤪

    That is too dang cute! Can't go out today! 🤣
  18. GlicksChicks

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good news! I finally have female canteloupe and squash flowers! The Canteloupe flowers have already bloomed, so I hand pollinated them with 2 male flowers each. I then left the male parts in the middle of the flowers where the pollen is placed so that the pollen is less likely to be washed away...
  19. GlicksChicks

    Aggressive or normal behavior

    If they have all their adult plumage then they should have their drake curl if they are male. The drake curl grows in at 8-12 weeks of age, when their adult plumage is fully grown in.
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