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  1. Happygocluckee

    *EDITED with more photos*Hen or roo? 7ish week old EE

    I'm getting roo vibes. But maybe a better shot from the front would help.
  2. Happygocluckee

    3 week old Easter egger Roo?

    I would second that. I suppose you could say this one is bursting with masculinity. 😆
  3. Happygocluckee

    Sultan roo or pullet?

    Update: week 5ish. Still no wattles or comb
  4. Happygocluckee

    I'm stumped

    I know mostly thats how it goes but I in the same batch I had another that started earlier and the comb immediately became pink instead of the skin.
  5. Happygocluckee

    I'm stumped

    😢. It's my daughters favorite.
  6. Happygocluckee

    Brahma lemon pyle

    I don't know if they are purebreds but you can already see which ones are not pullets. 😆. At least in the first pic the ones in the middle look like they could be pullets.
  7. Happygocluckee

    I'm stumped

    Pullet or roo? I was almost certain this chick was a pullet and now I'm leaning towards cockerel. 5 weeks come Saturday. The only thing is it's the skin around the comb that's pink not the actual comb and it's kind of a big comb. I don't know.
  8. Happygocluckee

    Place your bets

    The minute you try to interact with this one the peeping/squawking begins and he will not settle until left alone. My other "girls" will peep but are relatively calm after a minute or so.
  9. Happygocluckee

    Place your bets

    Agreed but I've suspecting it for a while.I'll find out if my hunch is right eventually 🙄
  10. Happygocluckee

    Place your bets

    It's just about 4 weeks but I'm calling it. This is now tiny tim and (assorted bantams -I think conchin)he is a roo. Maybe I'm imagining but I checked this morning and now the waddles are pinking up. So hen or roo? I'm also comparing to the other conchin "girls" which are still yellow.
  11. Happygocluckee

    Buff Orpington 6 weeks

    Agreed. Buff 3 seems to designated roo😁
  12. Happygocluckee

    I’ve got an imposter

    The Oliver egger just looks guilty, pic 10 says it all. Lol. I'm also in agreement with the tail feathers. The other is squawking away in pic 1 saying you got the wrong bird.
  13. Happygocluckee

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #10

    Excuse me my fine fellow would you be interested in purchasing a chicken from
  14. Happygocluckee

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #10

    That feeling you get when you dont want to getout of bed and you need some encouragement 🤭
  15. Happygocluckee

    4 week old orpington gender?

    Im going to back you up and say I don't think lucifer is actually a luci. It's the waddles that make me wonder, but that's just my opinion.
  16. Happygocluckee

    All still looking like pullets?

    I will second your opinion. For the moment I don't see anything that immediately screams roo.
  17. Happygocluckee

    Can anyone help sex my chicks

    I bought them at a local feed store. Sultans also have 5 toes as well as muffs and crests. Since it's still early ( almost 4 weeks) there are not a ton of defining features . As of this morning the crest is starting to "round out" as opposed to the Mohawk of a couple of days ago.
  18. Happygocluckee

    Can anyone help sex my chicks

    Is the black one the hudan because I just got one exactly like that out of an assorted bantams bin. After doing research I thought it was a sultan.
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