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  1. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Congrats everyone!!! thanks for all the pics!! welcome over!! Yes you should have!!! :hugs so sorry to read that he was unwell, but glad that he has improved!! :barnie HOLMS!!! gadzooks! :drool good lookin bucks there!! good luck!!!
  2. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

  3. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    i like venison, arby's? they use venison?? not that it matters i dont think there are any of those in nh, or the northeast for that matter
  4. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    this was shot here this morning, opening day muzzleloader
  5. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    :hugs sorry to hear that, that was a crazy head-shake lol :hugs LOL and have you sold any?? thats great!! Yes!!! get all the grands!! you know they'd love it!
  6. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    thats a whopper! love to see one that big :hugs :hugs
  7. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good Luck all!!! Cant wait to see pictures!!
  8. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    lol, yes, never ending
  9. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    UGH!! i just looked up what you were talking about Be safe all!!!!
  10. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    oh my, poor guy, is he going to be ok?? that stinks, i just had to deal with that on my diesel tractor :lau :lau yummy!!
  11. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    its an open cage and in the back of a pick-'em-up truck too they get that sexy wind-blown look thats all the rage
  12. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    mmmm, there was a roadkill moose the other day i am hoping my BIL got it :fl
  13. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    yummy! bear? deer? what? lol i dont do anything to my birds except take 'em out of the coop and throw them in a cage :hu
  14. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    @holm25 and @duluthralphie wiping down with a silk cloth does wonders too. i used to show dogs and horses -silk was always in my grooming tote
  15. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    :lau :lau i dont think it can cure you :hugs sorry
  16. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    baby oil works just as well ;) :hugs sorry to hear about both :rolleyes:
  17. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Fun!!! i had a friend that had to have over 200 of them! they were EVERYWHERE
  18. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    i'll have to go out to garage and take a look at what i have and maybe even take a picture, been awhile since i've seen it
  19. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    the 201 was electric i think
  20. DwayneNLiz

    Surviving Minnesota!

    :th i love the old singers i have one like this: but the desk is different i used to have one like this: but removed from the desk, it went 'missing' best machine EVER
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