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  1. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good day all- I just placed an order for hatchery chicks. Man are they limited in the females that I want to help out some 4H kids. I assume the egg prices have lots to do with people ordering chicks for spring. Last week my local Target was selling pasture raised 18 pack of eggs for 9.99 and...
  2. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. May your meal be filling and your friends and family be enjoyable company.
  3. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Nice Buck! Congrats kiddo! I may have to reach out to Ralphie as well....
  4. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    It snowed……central mn
  5. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Central MN = FROZEN
  6. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Mmmmm Morey's, whenever we went up north with my grandma, we always had to stop at Morreys.
  7. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Jerry please send my condolences to your wife. This is terribly tragic news.
  8. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    What is this rain everyone speaks of?
  9. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Nice deck Jerry. It's been a busy spring and summer for us. Between warding off Avian Influenza, couple of farms and kids activities....boom summer is half over.
  10. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I will be right over. Fresh Aspargus is my fav!
  11. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hello Again ~ Weather report from the northern fringes of the banana belt......Winter sux! Tuesday morning (19 degrees) I thawed pig waterers. Not Funny! I will believe the 70 degrees on Saturday when I see it. In my free time I am attempting to avoid this H5N1 - Avian Influenza. We reside in...
  12. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    You clearly sent the snow to the northern region of the Banana belt. (Central MN) We are enduring 8-14 inches. 8 was yesterday.
  13. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    We had freezing rain on Friday, and Sunday we had 3 inches of fluffy white stuff. Slippery (explicitive) mess is the only way to describe the crap!
  14. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Jerry - Are you offering to bring started tomato plants to Minnesota? :)
  15. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Our last Toad (Momma Toad) just passed away on Monday. She was 4 years old in human years.
  16. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Who in the heck invited the 40 mph winds and the snow?
  17. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I had a balmy -3 when I drove to work today. (That is with out the wind that thought it should remind me to keep 2 hands on the steering wheel.) My son is enjoying an unplanned day off from school. There was a social media post detailing some school shooting that was to take place today at the...
  18. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Best Wishes on a speedy recovery Jerry.
  19. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Happy Birthday Ralphie! Hope you enjoy the day.
  20. MNChickMom

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I don't think they use the gas ones....I could be mistaken though?
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