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  1. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Final tally is 6 chicks out of 8 eggs, with 2 that stalled. They seem to be doing ok. Fun to watch momma teach.
  2. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Just the 5 thus far. I'm not optimistic about the remaining 2 eggs, but they were set over a couple of days. These could be the last two.
  3. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I'm up to 5 chicks now. Kind of a goofy time of year to hatch, but I didn't really think mama was all that serious about sitting. We'll see if I end up needing to hang a heat lamp outside, or if she'll keep them warm enough.
  4. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    You guys.... Mom got up to eat so I had to sneak a peak. Set 8 eggs with a broody. Found one rolled out of the nest last night. This morning....
  5. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    You're killing me. I knew I sent off the wrong rooster. The younger that we kept crows a ton, does little gifting, and has few instincts other than breeding. I tossed a little garder snake in the run the other night and he had no interest. Could not have cared less.
  6. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Could be that simple. The neighbors don't have a rooster though. Here's hoping he mellows out.
  7. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    All of my feed and water is outside year-round. I run an extension cord and a utility heater in my 5 gallon bucket with horizontal nipples. They don't like going out much in the snow, but I figure if they get hungry or thirsty enough they'll make their way out. But they do not go much beyond...
  8. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    The neighbors haven't said anything, but they weren't super thrilled with the one that wasn't annoying. We only have .5 acre with neighbors on either side.
  9. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    All is well here. Flock good and healthy, 6 hens giving 4 or 5 eggs daily, so if need be, we can get Judy's omelette needs covered. The young rooster that we kept crows like a son of a gun. On and off all day. They neighbors are less than thrilled. They were fine with Sentry. He didnt so too...
  10. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I don't qualify as an experienced breeder. The are many others active in this forum that are more knowledgeable. I have some PCs that are out of Mike Gilbert's over in Wisconsin. I have not shown them, but understand that they are pretty good birds though certainly not perfect. I don't have any...
  11. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good news!! Despite our crummy spring the day will continue to get longer.....for 47 more days. Then they go the other way again....enjoy these ones.
  12. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I'm curious if he crows in the morning. As he's been second fiddle here, I don't believe he's been much of an alarm clock for the last couple of months.
  13. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    You guys. Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm over this weather.
  14. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    My broody hen keeps moving nesting boxes. She's been sitting for 8-10 days and has her breast all plucked. But each day she's sitting in a different box on fresh eggs. I think when she gets out of the box (no matter which it is) someone else comes in it. When she comes back she goes to an...
  15. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Morning all, I'm dropping off a dozen hatching eggs for a Kindergarten class in Cambridge this morning. I never see the roosters doing......their job.....bit I didnt last year either and had good success hatching. I hope these turn out for them.
  16. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I have eggs. I have a broody hen....shoot. I really don't have any more room for birds, but the chicks were fun last year... Maybe I'll just set 4 in a couple of days and see what happens...
  17. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Mine are laying as well as ever right now. We got over 2 dozen last week out of my 6 PC hens.
  18. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sign me up for an inch of 50 degree rain. Would take care of most of the frost and snow.
  19. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hello all! I hope everyone was able to survive Minnesota this winter. We are getting to be unfortunately busy. The kids love being able to do so many different activities, but the logistics are crazy. Fall and winter were hard. I got a nice buck, DD did well in travel bball, the boys have been...
  20. Tfred1399

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I'm getting rid of one of my PC boys. You'd be welcome to one.
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