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  1. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I posted a similar question over in ducks, but was wondering if you fine folks could chime in: How old is old enough for baby ducks to go out into the coop? Mine are two weeks old now, and I was thinking about week 8 to move them out there. 10" of straw on the floor, wind protection, draft...
  2. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    And thankfully, (and let be honest, pretty lucky) all the ladies were back in the run this evening. I opened the door so the others would wander out (Two other Jerseys, one Cochin) they all ran into the little black and white blob that they do when together. So all four back in the coop. I...
  3. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    So I felt silly this morning. Picked up some straw bales for the coop, and evidently one of the babies from this summer (5 months old), got perturbed. So perturbed, she flew up and over the 5' wall. I've never seen such acrobatic Jersey Giants in my life. Hoping she'll come back, as she...
  4. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Finished up an add on to the coop and run. Added an extra 25x14 to the run (9x16), just in time for the ground to freeze. I'll add some chicken wire over the top in the spring, and I'll add in a small duck pond too. My pops is up from Fla, and he was a great help getting it assembled. All...
  5. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Mine came in last week!
  6. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    So fun happenstance I discovered today. I have a buddy coming early Nov to take some dead trees down that are a little too close to the house. Run out to get gas for the truck, and notice that the biggest culprit, i.e. six feet from the house has snapped off about 12' off the ground. Fell...
  7. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Forecast for my neck of the woods looks OK - 50 on Friday, 52 for Saturday with rain. Then Monday it drops to the 30's. Guess it is time to finish the yard work in the next couple of days.
  8. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I got home last night to find a huge birch in 10' sections all across the driveway. Haven't looked this morning, but I'm sure I've got branches/limbs everywhere. Thankfully this wind happened now, not when all the leaves were still on. Forecast is predicting snow this morning, whee.
  9. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    No, they are inside with a heat lamp, walls nearly two feet tall.
  10. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    So with the last batch of reinforcements, lost six chicks - all white Polish. Is it me, or are they just not as hardy as other chicks? Every time I've gotten them, they always don't make it. I find them dead in the morning, usually in an odd position that they've been stepped on or trampled...
  11. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Got some last minute reinforcements from MurrayMcMurray today: Ordered the egg layer assortment. Asked for 15, got 18. Have some baby ducks coming in Friday (Shipping from San Diego?!?)
  12. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I think I can count my first attempt a hatching eggs a success. 12 eggs in incubator, 11 hatched. The last one was almost full grown when I removed the egg (should of hatched the 22nd of July, pulled it on the 25th and cracked it open), but looks like I goofed up when I placed the lid back on...
  13. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    My biggest mistake/regret is not getting five or 10 acres of land when I bought my house. 2.25 acres of woods doesn't work for bigger animals. Maybe in a few years I'll finally convince myself to move off grid on 20 acres somewhere. Love the Highlands!
  14. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    So I think I saw the culprit of the great '19 chicken murder rampage. Heading to the store to grab some stuff, I turn off my driveway and see a pretty damn big fox carrying some kind of dead bird in his/her mouth, roughly 500 yards away from my property. Running into the woods, I'd guess to...
  15. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    There are tons that have rocks, I just don't want to waste a weekend picking them :)
  16. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Totally kind of off topic, but anyone know of any good Northern Mn stone dealers? I need roughly 12 tons of 6" to 18" stone for a project. I'm about 45 south of Bemidji.
  17. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I thought it might be my neighbors dog (they are seasonal that come up north a couple times during the summer and deer season), but they haven't been up here that I've known in the past week or so. My other neighbors have a dog, but he's never been in the yard, and all the feather piles all...
  18. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thanks, I know it is a risk of free ranging, just really odd to have it happen seven in one day, then seven the next. I know foxes might get one or two, but I can't think they are taking seven in one shot. Roughly six months without issue, then poof in such a short time.
  19. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hey folks, Happy weekend, hope you all had a safe 4th. Been offline for a good long while, came back as it looks like I'm starting over, down to 4 hens. Lost 14 chickens over two days while they were free ranging to something. Never found bodies, just feathers all over. Seven gone one day...
  20. Varagol

    Surviving Minnesota!

    So they are six weeks old tomorrow, and they spent the night in the coop for the first time last night. Temps got down to mid 20's, and everyone seems to be just fine. I've got some more to do on the inside (more nesting boxes, a few more perches), and to add the top to the run outside (not...
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