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  1. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

  2. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sorry for the double post. I have to re-learn how to use some of this forum stuff. Anyway, my d-i-l's mother passed yesterday morning. Completely expected, still very difficult - she had COPD and had smoked for 55 years. I say that for anyone who is smoking - please stop. My DH smokes also. Ugh...
  3. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    One project this Spring was a re-do of the coop/run. I, ME, MYSELF did this. There are a few finishing details that need to be done but I can breath for a while and finish those before Autumn. Do you like it?
  4. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    One project this Spring was a re-do of the coop/run. I, ME, MYSELF did this. There are a few finishing details that need to be done but I can breath for a while and finish those before Autumn. Do you like it?
  5. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Okay Bogtown - I am in on Friday, June 29th at the oriental buffet place north on 371 and on the west side not too far up though. Jerry - you and Janet know the name of it - please, if you see this in time - let us know. NOON. Please say something IF you can make it chickeners so that I can let...
  6. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good Morning chickeners! Busy - busy - busy as are each of you. About Friday, June 29th in Brainerd. That is the better day for me (rather than Saturday) So wondering who can make it and thinking a bout the Chinese buffet place just a little north on 371 (where you, Janet and I met once Jerry)...
  7. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I need to mention that I now have a iPad. LOVE IT! Sitting on the couch and decided - oh ya - I should read this thread again. So this is the life, my computer and the couch! So is Friday the 29th good or is Saturday the 30th better? And IF Brainerd is the better location - I am all for it...
  8. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Now, in my addicted state, is when I would sit and watch the computer screen to see who and how the responses come back. But I have broken that cycle and so am moving away to do other 'things.'
  9. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Wait! Wait! I said that wrong! The weekend before the 4th of July, which is the 29th - 30th of June. There!
  10. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Howdy. Long time. It was getting so the first hour of my day was reading up on what you all were doing and so I decided it was time to go away for a while because, well, I was 'addicted' to you. Nothing has changed here except Ralphie does not drop in. :( I did here from Mrs. Jerry and the news...
  11. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    :caf Good Morning Chickeners . . . . I am sitting at this computer - been up a couple of hours - and still not awake. Fortunately I can do 'stuff' and not be fully awake but awake is better. My ds and ddil cabin and a few others on their road were broken into on Monday. The neighbors...
  12. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Okay - so this is a clear wax for wood and it is called Fiddes & Sons. Hmph - imagine that - I never really looked at the can and thought I had given it to my sister. Guess what I plan on doing now?
  13. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    good morning Chickeners . . . . Yawn - In reading your stories about the pets and the counter attacks - I am reminded of our now four-year old lab. We got her at about 11 months and partially because I felt so sorry for her. IF she got that stick of butter off the counter of her prior home - it...
  14. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I have done chalk board paint to write on and on Kerr jars (way cool) and then I found out about the wax. Its a little spendy but it goes a long, long way. People love chalk board paint so I figured that the was - about $16. was worth the expense for the gifts I would be making. So I did it.
  15. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    What is the big deal on Bentleyville?
  16. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hmmmm - maybe you could wash off the chalk - then seal it with a wax. I did not know, for the longest time, that it needed to be sealed. And its not just any wax. There is a specific wax to seal chalk board paint. Its might be worth the effort.
  17. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good Morning Chickeners . . . . Making Oatmeal for the birds. Just a little treat to warm them up. Ready to migrate south myself. Whats with that? I have not ever said that or felt that way in my life until it just slipped out of my fingers on the keyboard.
  18. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good Morning Chickeners . . . . brrrrrrr. That said - the time sure does fly by. When I first began my chicken endeavor I purchased a coop kit that would house four birds. It has since been raised up on supports and incorporated into the larger enclosed run. The three ss I have like to roost...
  19. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good Morning Chickeners . . . .
  20. lvie

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Good Morning Chickeners . . . . I have been stalking you-s but so busy not to be posting. On Sunday my youngest turned 40! Hard to believe I am that old. This morning the three dogs started going crazy. I looked outside. There was a coyote traveling about 25 feet out my back door, along the...
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