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  1. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    @cavemanrich you were right! His legs totally caught up. He’s running around today
  2. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Some improvement today - his feet aren’t so far forward when he’s on his haunches and he’s standing up intermittently and better than yesterday. I made him chase the seeds around for a bit and walk around. I did decide to go ahead and dust with some calcium powder. His bones in his toes...
  3. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    That’s a good clean up crew! The only birds I keep at the moment are pigeons so I had to do away with wire floor coops, the wasted seed was just attracting way too many rodents. I didn’t mind the chipmunks and squirrels that habituated themselves to come running when they heard me feeding the...
  4. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Very wet droppings today from the squab, not nice lumps as the day before. I think I let him have a little tooo much water yesterday. Thursday night when I brought the squab in his legs weren’t great, but he could definitely walk and even scurry around on the floor, at least when he was frantic...
  5. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    I think a good drink after feeding is reasonable. I gave him a big drink this morning because his crop wasn’t totally emptied, which I expected since he was practically starved beforehand. That sounds like a dream. I have one homer cock that I can trust to feed random squabs but his instincts...
  6. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    That makes sense, with most of my pairs the hen still contributes but it would make sense that’s what occurred this time. Thing is I actually have a cockbird that is really good about feeding random babies, (if you remember a few weeks back I had a cock with babies get sick) and he helped me...
  7. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    I have heard of it occurring rarely in birds, though I think in my case it’s much more likely she got fertilized by some random male pigeon, if not one from my own flock. I had a garter snake a while back that I raised as a captive born baby, some seven years later she produced a litter of...
  8. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Also, is there a better way to feed him than this? The hen had him on the seed mix including peas even by the time I had left on Sunday. I tried to use a funnel but the peas are too big. The bag worked well but as you can see from the pictures he was going absolutely bananas, opening as wide as...
  9. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Nope, singleton. He was an “immaculate conception”, by a single hen. I didn’t even expect her lone egg to hatch, it was discolored and misshapen. I have a guess that the father is my only blue bar cockbird, but it also could be a feral. The hen is one of my whites and they all basically look the...
  10. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Seems like there’s a ton of members hand raising pigeons right now. This guy is a little slow to develop and the hen seemed to have stopped feeding him entirely. His crop was completely empty and he was frantic in the nest box. He’s inside with me now and doing much better.
  11. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    I thinkkkkk @casportpony might know the dosage.
  12. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    14% protein is good. They can also eat chicken pellets and crumbles (though if this pigeon is not used to it they may refuse.) Pellets are perfectly fine to feed but they do create mushier droppings so I try to keep them a small component of the feeding mix. It’s definitely a tumbler and I...
  13. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    For sure. This spring has been kind of off though, at two separate times in the past few weeks I had two of my healthy and fit homers come back missing a few tail feathers - lucky escapes.
  14. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    My sickly guy is back in the loft. As days went on he became notably restless in isolation so I reunited him with the group. STILL not 100% in terms of walking or flying around, he stumbles or trips a bit here and there. Certainly more than any of the others. But he has taken flight with the...
  15. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Nothing new to report with my sick guy. He’s still a little off but seems like he’s getting better. I’m almost wondering if I should bring him to a vet, like maybe he was poisoned somehow? He’s eating, drinking, pooping, etc all perfectly normal now but he’s stumbling a bit while walking, and...
  16. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Agreed. He’s still having a bit of trouble picking up seeds in comparison to the others. Still a bit wobbly as well. But definitely still continuing to improves so I can’t complain.
  17. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Sorry for the poop pictures but can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this pigeon? He was isolated from the flock at the beginning of the week for sudden onset weakness and green bile-stained feces. I gave him a course of 4 in 1 which returned the droppings to a more normal consistency and...
  18. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Those are adorable! Got a nice photo today of one of my original pigeons and his great grandson in the background.
  19. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    You could browse Craigslist or maybe Facebook in your area, see if anyone’s reported a missing bird. Chances are with that type of band you will never be able to locate the owner. New addition?
  20. Qwerty3159

    Pigeon Talk

    Craigslist has always worked well for me! You may have a somewhat local pigeon club nearby as well.
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