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  1. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I have a smart LED that I've set to gradually go from off to 100% bright over the course of 15 minutes in the AM, then it's on all day and gradually goes from 100% to off in the evening. The birds get a simulated sunrise and sunset. That seems to reduce the amount of distress chirping from when...
  2. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    The ones that I linked have solar panels, motion detection and will notify my phone if triggered. At $50, not bad and the picture quality is pretty good, too. Once you get the cameras up, I'd be torn between hoping the vandals never come back and hoping they do and get caught on video.
  3. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I have two mounted to T-Posts using zip ties. You could probably do the same wrapped around the support posts. It'd probably be easier to reposition them than using duct tape.
  4. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    They also sell one in black for a bit more money:
  5. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    If you have a good Wi-Fi signal outdoors, this camera is reasonably inexpensive and easy to set up. You could buy a couple to get both sides of the greenhouse and maybe catch them if they try again. I...
  6. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I have one bird that's consistently laying eggs that size, almost daily. They fit easily in the chicken egg rails from my Little Giant incubator. I can't imagine what she's going through with laying huge eggs so often. I haven't cracked any open to see if they're doubles, yet.
  7. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    The last batch of eggs that I ordered were marked on all 6 sides of the box to be held for pickup and had my phone number plastered all over it. They still got delivered to my house. Fortunately, I work from home and have a camera watching the approach to my door so I saw him coming. I met him...
  8. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Ah, didn't realize that shorts had to be vertical. I guess I should get my own YouTube channel and figure that out as well.
  9. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Subscribed. I'd like to suggest you hold your phone sideways instead of vertical when taking the videos. I think it looks a lot better that way, but I'll still watch whatever format you use.
  10. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I had one more hatch, again with curled toes, on Friday. It, like the other one, took more than 24 hours to zip, so I figure that's to blame. Humidity was at 50% and temperature at 99.5. Taping the toes fixed the issue overnight. There're still 9 eggs in the bator with one partially zipped, but...
  11. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    The curled toes have mostly straightened and the bird is running around just fine with the rest. No more hatches today, but there are still two zipping and one that appears to have pipped the pointy end.
  12. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I had one more hatch overnight and the curled toed one has survived with some improvement. Took the tape off and I'm letting it rest for a bit before I re-apply. Last I looked there was still one zipping in the incubator.
  13. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Four more have hatched with 2 still zipping. So far 13 out of 23. One of the 4 new ones has curled toes that I'm trying to fix with tape. Hoping it survives the night.
  14. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Hatch Day: Nine out of 23 so far and there's still plenty of activity in the incubator. Just moved these guys into the brooder. All my birds are jumbo wilds. The quarter is there so I can show friends and family just how tiny they are at hatch.
  15. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I thought that might be the case. This is the first time I've opened a dud. Thanks.
  16. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Day 15 for Coturnix. Candled and locked down my 24 today. Only one didn't develop at all, the rest looked good. As I've mentioned, I had one male that was pretty badly beaten up by another before I separated the bully out. I was surprised that he survived, but he's been in with two hens all...
  17. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    That's exactly why I'm incubating the current batch of eggs I have set. I want to make sure that the eggs I'm selling as hatching eggs are really fertilized. So far, 22 out of 24 are developing...
  18. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I set 24 Jumbo Coturnix eggs on 7/24, mostly just to see if my roosters are doing their jobs. Currently, due to deaths, I have one cage with a 1/5 roo/hen mix, one with 1/4 and the other is 1/2. They all seem to be getting along just fine with those ratios. I candled yesterday and all but 2 of...
  19. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I second @Kiki , tape the paper towels down. I thought I'd done a good job of doing that once in the brooder, but when I checked on the birds, half of them had disappeared. They had found a vertical gap in the towels wide enough for them to sneak behind. None were hurt and I thought it was...
  20. C

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I've done something similar with a deeper bowl and a kitchen towel.
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