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  1. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Gosh they grow so fast. just 2 days shy of 4 weeks now! i still need to sex my last batch of 7. Is putting them by themselves and waiting to hear a crow the best course of action at this point? Most of my birds are not feather sexable :(
  2. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    When I was reading that info sheet on genetics, it seems that most of them are incomplete dominant. to my novice brain it pretty much translated to "anything can happen". lol
  3. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    This baby squeezed out of the brooder and was chirping its head off hiding between the feed bags. It’s now snuggled itself into my coat, lol aside from one rosetta tux baby, most of my hatches turned out to be some variation of silver. silver genes seems pretty strong?
  4. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I'm so envious of Californian weather, lol Haha, that’s one thing I hope they don't learn. today I learned that crooked necks don't impair flying ability. I took her outside and she flapped her way wcross about 50ft before landing. gave me a mini heart attack, lol.
  5. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Mine are outside also. Currently it’s in the single digits at night (-16C/3F). But they are fairly young, 6 weeks and 16weeks. I’ve been surprised by how hardy they are
  6. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    One of the jumbos did end up hatching late! But I’m doubting its identity.... does this coloration look like a jumbo to you guys? it’s more gray than brown... I put mrs kinkneck in with the babies for a bit. She did a good job of teaching them to eat! she was also very confused why they...
  7. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    what was the temperature of their enlosure?
  8. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I’ve got one here too!
  9. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I think hatching is done, exactly 6 of my own celadon eggs. mostly tuxedos, one may not be a tuxedo, I’ll double check after it fluffs up. Unfortunately, none of the jumbos made it, one tried to zip, couldn’t and suffocated... it was perfectly formed, but positioned oddly. the other one pipped...
  10. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Unfortunately, it was organs and intestines hanging out of the body, the poor chick’s actual abdomen was empty and flat where it would be normally round and full. It was dragging the twisted intestines behind it as it struggled to move... I asked a family member to help me put it out of its...
  11. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Second one to pop out is a little tuxedo baby. Whew... I haven’t experienced such a rollercoaster ride since my first hatch :fl edit: second little tuxedo is out!
  12. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    It is heartbreaking. I regret going through with the hatch despite knowing the risks. I have one rosetta and two silvers, so I knew one in 3 was definitely going to be okay, incubation had started and I didn’t want to toss everything and restart. I thought the ones that had the lethal genes or...
  13. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I left him in the incubator. couldn’t bring myself to cull... hopefully atleast his last moments will be warm.
  14. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    first one to hatch was an albino with the organs on the outside of its body...Not the scene I expected when I heard the first chirps :( I’m shocked that it zipped and made it out at all...
  15. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    pips on my quail’s eggs, none that I can see on the two remaining jumbos yet :fl
  16. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    it’s all good, I contacted someone local on fb and they’ll have jumbo eggs in april :love Honestly I’m sick of all the brooding and dust already, lol. Trying to think of another place to set up the brooder that’s not the kitchen...
  17. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    so envious! Im locking down today too. only two of my ebay jumbos made it so far :hmm
  18. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Haven't been getting notifications :/ Sounds like a double edge sword. I wonder if Myshire ends up culling quite a few birds with the silver hatches. I can't bring myself to cull... but if someone else would do it for me, I won't stop them. lol Ooooh, that would be amazing. North Jersey? I'm...
  19. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I’m definitely going to watch and learn from this hatch. Will be switching out this male once my younger ones mature. unfortunately I don’t have any pearls, but hopefully one of my young rosettas will end up being male!
  20. yakitori

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I read that might be an issue :/ Do you know how myshire farms manage to circumvent this problem? They claim that their stock will breed 60% true, which means that they are selling the birds for breeding purposes too right?
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