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  1. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Woow this thread I started is still going! Life has taken over the last few years and we´ve been running on just a few leftover hens / roos. All excited when our last hen sat on 14 eggs, 9 of which were hens. They had all just started laying when we had a weasel get in and wipe all but one hen...
  2. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Hi Ana - thanks for thinking of me! All my new chicken plans are on hold at the moment - been having a bit of a rough time with them with too many roosters which I got sorted and now a bad red mite infestation! I have a new job which is taking lots of time so it is all just a bit much so I'm...
  3. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    I still have bags of them frozen from last year (and peaches and plums - didn't do al lthe crumbles I'd planned over the winter!). A nice dish I've discovered to use them up is I dump a bag of figs (maybe 800gms?) in the bottom of the slow cooker with sliced onion (1 large / 2 med), garlic, a...
  4. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Oh nice group! Do you know I never thought of that - presumably that is why it does it!!!! Will have to try in the summer with my figs and stuff!
  5. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    OK I have wonderful news :celebrate:celebrate:celebrateI was a bit worried over night as wondered if my oven had some turn itself off after a certain number of hours safety thing :lol:. Got up this morning and it was still on, quick peek no chicks :hitThen about 9am saw that the temp had dipped...
  6. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Exciting - what are you getting?
  7. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Drama in France:
  8. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Good luck @sumi - we need updates and pics tomorrow!
  9. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    How are all your hatchings going? I managed to pop 5 of my murdered Araucana eggs (not sure what the dad will be though so hopefully some easter eggers although 25% chance it is the Araucana roo) and a few of the dead silkies into my neighbours incubator and now my other silkie has cleverly gone...
  10. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    That sounds amazing! We need some pics!
  11. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Awwwwww cute! :love:love:love:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
  12. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Oh that is amazing :ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:yaI'm so pleased for you! Oh Ana Ana Ana we are going to have to talk cross border egg postage :lol::lol::lol: Pictures please!!!
  13. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Welcome to our thread! I just had a look - they are gorgeous with thier white spots on black - really like the look of them and sounds like they are very good dual purpose - apparently thier meat is excellent (compared with Bresse on one site). I have found my best option for choice and price...
  14. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Oh no that is really not good. I was starting to worry here too, we hardly had a drop in February which was lovely for my mental health but I ended up having to water the pots - just crazy. We've had a good amount since then though. Really hope you get some rain through before summer arrives :hugs
  15. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    It is gorgeous! Perfect sitiuation - our last 2 French houses were like that on the edge of the village with great views but still in the village. Now were are in a little group of houses just outside the village but close enough the kids can bike to the shop / pool etc. So you said you aren't...
  16. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Would love to see some pics!
  17. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Thank you. Back to rain here today - dull grey Sunday and one of my woodburners has gone out which means I have to face the rain to empty the ash - boring (thought I'd try to get away with it!).
  18. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Hi everyone - after days of grey and rain we are back to lovely sunny weather :D:D I sadly lost one of my original 3 girls yesterday and was brave and did a necropsy on her - I posted about it here if you are interested...
  19. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Wow sounds like you guys have amazing things going on! Please keep us updated on house building / homestead plans! We were lucky this place came with 3 big walnuts, lots of hazelnuts, Mirabelle, heritage peaches, and apple tree, normal plums too. I've been doing a veg garden for 3 years now...
  20. PouleChick

    Peeps in Europe!

    Off goes the Aussie to find a map and find Sicily ..................................................... :lau:lau
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