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  1. microchick

    Coffee Club

    What can I say, it's been one of those weeks. Brown liquid sadness is in the kitchen. Cups in the cupboard above the coffee maker. Help yourselves.
  2. microchick

    Coffee Club

    HEAT WAVE! 24 here today. I'll be able to turn off the heat lamp in the coop by Sunday. Temps are supposed to be in the high 30s/40s after that with rain. Hey, anything but snow at this point. I have drifts in front of my coop that are up past my knees. Birds are doing fine. I lost one cross...
  3. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Thanks. A dubious prize to be sure. And yeah, it really sux. If I had a way and a place to bring all of my birds in I would. We retired here because it was convenient to commute and because it was supposed to have milder winters than we were used to in IL. Well, it was only something like -8...
  4. microchick

    Coffee Club

    @Sequel. Sorry, I inadvertently deleted your 'laugh' emoji when I deleted a double post. Silly thing wouldn't post the first time. Then when I hit the post button, it double posted. I did just read on line where it is -18 in Iowa. Round up the Witches and the Brass Monkeys everyone!
  5. microchick

    Coffee Club

    It was -17 when I got up, @Sequel. -11 now with a -32 wind chill. I win! At least so far. Come on everybody, Toss a number out there? Can anybody beat -17? I'd say good morning but at these temps not much good about it. Just praying that my birds survive this upcoming week cause it's gonna be...
  6. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Morning all! Coffee is on and ready. Help yourselves. We got around 10 inches of snow yesterday, another 4-7 coming in tomorrow followed by frigid temps. High on Sunday -2 and a low of -17. The coop is warm but I'll run a heat lamp well secured in the main coop for the bantams and Fayoumis to...
  7. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Evening all. Back to back storms are supposed to dump a boat load of snow on us. So the plan is to kick back and drink coffee! First storm roared through last night and today with 10 inches of snow so far and now high winds with drifting. Thursday afternoon, round 2 goes through with another...
  8. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Hi guys. Past coffee time here, but Iced Sweet Tea available for the asking!
  9. microchick

    Coffee Club

    You forgot Feliz Navidad and Mele Kalikimaka! Merry Christmas everyone! "and this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger...."
  10. microchick

    Coffee Club

    At least as Jolly as I'm going to get! Morning all. Brown Liquid Sadness is ready for those like me who are desperate enough to drink it because it reminds you of the real thing.:lol:
  11. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Celestial Seasons Chamomile tea. Anything with Chamomile in it will help you relax and sleep. My pleasure, @pennyJo1960. I had a lot of fun making them and more fun making them for my little sis. If I had more time they would have been beaded out. Maybe sometime in the future?
  12. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Any decaf around? If not I can brew up another cup. Give me a few minutes and help yourself to a cup of brown liquid sadness.
  13. microchick

    Coffee Club

    My pleasure @Sequel. I have to admit I had to get mine into the freezer ASAP as I ate one, than another....Got on the scale this morning and had lost almost half a pound that I wasn't really trying to lose. Trying to maintain but running off the calories baking so I thought, Hay! Diet doesn't...
  14. microchick

    Coffee Club

    I looked and didn't see them. I found the recipe years ago I know not where and found it on line recently having lost my original recipe in moves. The recipe I had called for melted margarine or butter instead of oil. I used canola oil as instructed in the recently found recipe and they turned...
  15. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Morning everyone. @CapricornFarm, pictures of your display at the show would be highly enjoyed! Coffee is on. I'm just finishing up my top off but help yourselves everyone. I'm still baking cookies like a mad person. Today, Chocolate Crinkles. Yesterday was fudge and sugar cookies.
  16. microchick

    Coffee Club

  17. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Still sticking with the Decaf...barf but thanks for the offer. May be switching to iced tea soon. And for all these things I am truly grateful. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  18. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Morning all! Coffee's on!
  19. microchick

    Coffee Club

    Same old Decaf and Regular here guys. Hot water on the fireplace for tea and a variety of regular and herbals available including home grown mint. Help yourselves. I was on Twitter this morning for a bit and found this. Wanted to pass it on to the ladies and guys, make the women in you life...
  20. microchick

    Coffee Club

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