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  1. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Great, thanks for the response! I think the problem I had at first was that I let it ferment too long (like a week before use instead of a day or two). Never was adding the vinegar either which I'm sure helps stabilize a more hospitable environment for the right bacterial growth. Also, when I...
  2. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Anyone feed there chickens and ducks fermented feed? Looking to chat a bit about it...I have attempted it but it went awry, so I am hoping to be able to talk to someone experienced in it with a tried and true recipe they would perhaps share? how much do they feed per bird? do they add...
  3. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    I know of some svart hona cockerels located on the island. There is also "Combs and Hackles" on facebook. Can't remember though if they have Ayam Cemani of Svart Hona's.
  4. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    BC Backyard Poultry Growers. Might have luck on there, see posts for iso and for sale for all over BC.
  5. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    We've not had the cold snaps (wow!!) but sure have had immense amounts of rain! The chickens and cat are disgusted by it, the ducks and dog are thrilled with the flooded fields
  6. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Wow!! Sounds like spring weather for sure! We use supplemental lighting, though I love the idea of letting them rest and have spring bring them back to laying. I have just got a solar light I will be trying out for lighting the coop with for the early mornings and evenings.
  7. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Sorry I am no help there, just picked up my astralorp chicks yesterday from a local breeder. I am excited to try the breed!
  8. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Are you on facebook? There is a poultry group for BC that can be a good resource.
  9. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    How's everyone's weather right now? So far, we have a sunny day but the last half week or so it's been crazy wind and rain! Glad to have a little break in between. Had been getting some garden prep done earlier this month but had to put it on pause for now. Ducks started laying the other day...
  10. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    All good suggestions already. I would add to put out extra waterers and feeders, so the new ones will still have access to it. Pecking and rough housing is going to happen, you just have to let it but be sure that it doesn't get out of hand (blood drawn, injuries, etc.) You have to remember...
  11. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    @Gigi2015 Hello!! I'm so sorry to hear of you having to re home your ducks. I am no help in locating a new owner, but perhaps you can see if there are local trappers near you that can help you out? I'm sure you have tried what you can, I just find sometimes this is an option not often...
  12. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Too funny, we really are at a whim to our environment, eh? I will happily take it back, not only are the chickens displeased but this really is messing with my poor little seedlings!
  13. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Haha yay for VI! Snow melted, but its back with fury this morning. Snowing like crazy all over again. Said not to stay but it's looking otherwise to me right now. Haha this winter is throwing me a bone and then taking it away again and again...and again!
  14. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Well over on the island here, we've got some more snow It seems every weekend we get our stuff together to finish setting up the greenhouse and hoop house, it snows! Where has our winter rains gone to...? I'm tired of this white stuff that keeps coming, and so are the chickens!
  15. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Well, our snow is finally starting to melt again! The ladies and Gimpy will be very pleased... as will our cat, Olive not so much (our dog), she's been having a ball!! It certainly put a dent in my gardening plans, so I'll be happy to see it gone too! We were about to set up our greenhouse...
  16. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Yes, I agree... Salmon Favorelles and Chantecler would be great. I have also read that the smaller comb (pea / rose) do better in winter with less of a chance of frostbite. Due to the weather we've been having, I've almost begun thinking about getting a few more winter tolerant girls as well in...
  17. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Welcome @DiveJedi It's a very exciting thing, what kind of chicks were you planning to get? @6littlegirls geez, that is cold!! We've been at -2,-4 and i thought that was cold!! We've been having to bring the waters in at night and it's getting to be a pain in the butt At least since there is...
  18. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Merry belated christmas and happy new year from vancouver island, BC
  19. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    @6littlegirls they look very happy indeed! Great timing we are still in the process of finishing up our second coop for the new chickies, to help them integrate into the original flock. Were hoping to have it finished by friday...or at least finished to the point they can be in it, and then...
  20. harmesonfarm

    Canadians check in here....

    Too true!! It's amazing how few there are in general that do not know much about any animal other than dogs, cats, bunnies and the usual "pets" it seems.
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