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  1. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    My flock of bantams free ranging of the lawn.
  2. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Is this about the very rich?. Do read the summary on page 7 of the Oxfam Novib report. The first sentence states that Elon Musk only paid a little more than 3% taxes. Which truth do you want to...
  3. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Better: steal more from the very rich. 🤑 If there were no taxes, how would ‘we’ pay the teachers, schools, doctors, nurseries, social services, and everything else that makes this world sophisticated and safe.
  4. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    :lau Almost mist this one! 🤭 I try not to laugh out loud, my DH is sleeping next to me.
  5. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    My son and his girlfriend came over for the weekend. Nice!
  6. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Nice. Will you post it on Ribh’s Coopage thread on Caturday too?
  7. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Is Black forest cake the same treat as Schwartzwalder kirsch cake? I love that one for sure.
  8. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Magnificent! Got a new tiny but great job for 2-4 hours each week with very nice colleagues for a nature reserve.
  9. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Good luck
  10. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Wow. What a milestone! Congrats.
  11. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    I put apple and pear peel in the blender with a few chickpeas and a little water. Especially my black Dutch love it. Katrientje (bantam RIR in front) had to wait.
  12. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Yes. I can imagine electric cars are not very practical in many parts of the US and Canada. The Netherlands and the surrounding countries in Europe is nowhere very rural. Our climate is mild and it doesn’t get below - 5 Celcius often. Therefore we don’t have these problems. And we have a 7 year...
  13. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    I was curious and looked on google. They do exist with a small solar panel on top that makes the clothes dryer spin.
  14. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    You made it hard too choose Kiki. I would have liked a favourite 😻 top 6.
  15. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Had to ask google because I never heard of such a dryer. Sounds great if the claim to dry 2 times faster is correct. I want one too. But unfortunately these are not for sale in my country. In the meantime I’m happy with my simple indoor drying rack, the drying ‘mill’ in summer, solar panels on...
  16. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    This message makes my day. :p I took the empty garbage bin from the street to our house again. The one for greens/ pruning stuff. 🤣
  17. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Here too for all cars over 3 years old. Happy to share: We have an all electric now. And I love the yearly bill at the garage. Costs less than €100, 3 years on a row. Just for an update for the board computer (navigation) and a check on the electronics. Solar panels keeps it running for 90% of...
  18. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Are you serious? There is nothing weird with growing tulips. Tulips grow on open land. The farmers just use a lot of chemicals to prevent sicknesses in the plants.
  19. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Our climate is quite good for trees. And its a perfect solution against heat stress. But there is a downside to this climate too.. Our country is overcrowded with humans, pigs, cows, chickens and other livestock (huge farms). We worry about pollution and NOx. And of course burning fuels...
  20. BDutch

    What made you happy today?

    Weekend, sunshine, breakfast with the sound of songbirds and clucking hens in the background.
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